Breaking: US Senator Kelly Ayotte (R-NH) votes to fund Obama’s unConstitutional Executive Amnesty


illegal alien sign

Update: This should have gone up last night (e.g. Breaking) but I lost Internet just before hitting PUBLISH…sorry)

Go ahead, I DARE you to now tell me the difference between the Republicans and the Democrats in voting to fully fund the parts of DHS that Obama will use to work his (own words) illegal Executive Amnesty.  I guess now we really now know that Kelly Ayotte was against Amnesty for illegal aliens before (during her campaign) and now is for Amnesty – she just voted to fund it – showing that she’s willing to use our money to show us she “evolved” on the issue (as she was quite strident about support Amnesty until all those kids came across our border and she clammed up real quick about it).

Only TWO Republican Senators stood on Principles: Sessions and Inhofe.  A very sad commentary on the rest of the chickens.

Via Instapundit (reformatted, emphasis mine): Breaking stalemate, Senate votes 98-2 to debate ‘clean’ DHS bill

The stalemate over funding for the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) was broken Wednesday as the Senate voted 98-2 to proceed to legislation that would prevent a partial government shutdown. Democrats agreed to support the DHS bill after Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) stripped out provisions inserted by the House that would reverse President Obama’s executive actions on immigration.  The only votes against proceeding to the bill came from Sens. James Inhofe (R-Okla.) and Jeff Sessions (R-Ala.).

So, the Senate Republicans did what a lot of us feared – they caved, fearing more for their seats than what was right in fulfilling their oaths.  Shameful.  Those that put all they were on the link when they signed the Declaration of Independence must be spinning in their graves with screams of WTF!  Old Ben was right – “if you can keep it We fell for their bluster during the campaign and tried to believe them once again: “Give us a majority!”   We did.  A majority of Americans backed their rhetoric that they’d stop Obama’s unconstitutional actions.  Result? Nothing but Kabuki Theater. We’ve been hornswaggled.  Get mad folks, because guess who is still running the Senate?

“Democrats will support getting on the House Homeland Security funding bill. In exchange, the leader will provide the only amendment, [it] will be a clean Homeland Security funding substitute,” Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) said.

So Harry Reid STILL is the Majority Leader because the Republicans only have a minority mindset  – re: LOSERS.  WE won the campaign and McConnell can’t win the battle we sent them to do.  We all had hopes they’d stand tall – instead, we now see them on their knees. If this was boxing, it would have been called a dive.  And there’s Kelly Ayotte in that pile somewhere (“anyone see Sidecar McCain or Lindsey GrAmnesty?  She’ll be nearby”).  We all had hopes they’d stand tall – instead, we now see them on their knees.  Right Kelly Ayotte?  More afraid of the Press who made you a darling, darling?  Think again – they don’t vote in your home State.

Do the names Scott Brown and Walt Havenstein mean anything to you? They messed with the Conservatives here in NH and they got The Pain brought to them.  Frank Guinta did the same thing and spent two years in Purgatory for breaking his promise.  You made a promise to us – you just broke it.

And we don’t need the political tongue wagging about the “next bill” that you all will fight like heck on that will defund Obama’s E.O. – again, nothing but Kabuki Theater and we realize it. And we know that bluster is just nothing but a Wild Wild West town – nothing but a façade (looks good, kinda, outside, barren on the inside).  We will remember.  And we will vote.  Wanna guess the future, Kelly?

Democrats had blocked the bill four times before. With a shutdown of DHS set to begin on Saturday, McConnell on Tuesday agreed to split the funding and immigration fights, as Democrats have long demanded. Reid said earlier Wednesday that the Senate could take a final vote on the DHS bill Thursday.  “We look forward to working with our Republican colleagues in the next 24 hours to get this done. All eyes now shift to the House of Representatives,” Reid said.

Well, the Leader of the Senate has just spoken:  Frank Guinta, whatcha gonna do?


  • Skip

    Co-founder of GraniteGrok, my concern is around Individual Liberty and Freedom and how the Government is taking that away. As an evangelical Christian and Conservative with small "L" libertarian leanings, my fight is with Progressives forcing a collectivized, secular humanistic future upon us. As a TEA Party activist, citizen journalist, and pundit!, my goal is to use the New Media to advance the radical notions of America's Founders back into our culture.

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