Jared Steven Cram Cram Cram Cram Vote-Fraud Cram Eggs and Cram - Granite Grok

Jared Steven Cram Cram Cram Cram Vote-Fraud Cram Eggs and Cram

If you thnk lrtting proplr from out of state Vote in NH if OK youre Gonna have a bad timeYou may recall Jared Steven Cram.  He’s a former union research hack,  former NH Democrat House candidate, Pennsylvania lawyer (currently attorney with TD Bank), and serial vote thief we’ve mentioned a few times.

Since his introduction as another vote-stealing Democrat, activists and local papers (Milford Cabinet?) have been in denial, claiming that Cram has been wrongfully accused, and even asked Ed Naile from CNHT, repeatedly,  to apologize.  Last week on GrokTALK! we were begging all these people to keep up their act, but the curtain has finally dropped.  Cram is busted, his advocates are in full retreat, and Ed Naile is grinning as he prepares to file a lawsuit against Jared Cram.

For a tiny taste of the evidence visit CNHT and have a look.  Keep in mind, this is only a sample.  And this is only one part of the story.  There were other forces at work trying to hide Cram’s fraud, as yet unnamed but soon to be exposed.  and you’re going to love it when you see it.

Stay tuned.

Ed was on Girard at Large with this story here.

Here’s Jared bragging about voting in NH in the Daily Kos

