‘We’re gonna punish our enemies and we’re gonna reward our friends who stand with us on issues that are important to us”
That’s what President Obama said to a group of Latinos back in 2010. No second guesses on what he meant by that (re: Nevada and Gov. Janet Brewer (R))
The administration recently delivered 1,000 more young illegal immigrants to the state.
“Well, I think the people in Arizona, myself included, believe that [he is punishing Arizona]. He obviously has not been a help to Arizonans,” Brewer said. “He certainly hasn’t done his job with Arizona as far as making us safe and secure. We have the most porous border in the country, unfortunately for us.”
President Obama’s relationship with the voters of the Grand Canyon State has been essentially non-existent. During the 2008 presidential Democratic primary, he lost Arizonato Hillary Clinton and later failed to capture Arizona’s 11 electoral votes in both the 2008and 2012 general elections by wide margins. The sour feelings continue through his second term.
A petulant, revengful child….