OUR State Project: What is it about “Free” that has Zandra Rice-Hawkins and Cynthia Chase’s panties in a bunch?


Adding a bit more from Steve’s post on the hysterical OUR State Project Progressives that believe that people who seemingly just want to be left alone by Government are THE existential threat to NH!  Remember, this from people who are out of staters themselves and depend on outside money to attack these people who just want to be left alone.  Is their urge and psychological urge to control and be controlled that bad, that the whole idea of Freedom is repugnant to their very being?  Or that the Free Stater Project folks will totally overturn their narrative that we can only exist by utilizing the heavy hand of Government into every nook and cranny of our lives?   From the Concord Monitor:

Fight against Free Staters:

A curious new account popped up in the world of New Hampshire political Twitter this week: @OurStateProject. The account’s description reads, “Exposing the Freestater threat to New Hampshire politics,” and the URL ourstateproject.com links back to the New Hampshire Democratic Party.  The problem is, no one knows where the account came from, and the Democratic Party says it’s not associated with it. There is a group of Democratic elected officials and politically involved people that has been meeting and calling itself the Our State Project, but they insist they’re not behind the account.

Zandra Rice-Hawkins, executive director of the left-leaning Granite State Progress, confirmed that a “loose-knit” group of people has been meeting at Granite State Progress offices on a monthly basis to discuss strategies for informing communities about  Free Staters running for elected office. The Free State Project tends to be secretive about its membership, and Granite State Progress has done a lot of work to help “expose” Free Staters. “We help them identify the Free State Project members trying to run for office locally so they can do more community education,” Rice-Hawkins said.  Rice-Hawkins said the Twitter account is not associated with the group.

They prattle on about ‘the agenda”, that they must “educate the community” about the evil and secretive intent of these Free Staters:

Gosh, all I had to do is go to the Free State Project website and go to their About page:

The Free State Project is an effort to recruit 20,000 liberty-loving people to move to New Hampshire. We are looking for neighborly, productive, tolerant folks from any and all walks of life, of all ages, creeds, and colors, who agree to the political philosophy expressed in our Statement of Intent, that government exists at most to protect people’s rights, and should neither provide for people nor punish them for activities that interfere with no one else.

Statement of Intent: “I hereby state my solemn intent to move to the state of New Hampshire. Once there, I will exert the fullest practical effort toward the creation of a society in which the maximum role of civil government is the protection of individuals’ life, liberty, and property.” Anyone who promotes violence, racial hatred, or bigotry is not welcome.

This is hysterical – and Zandra, Cynthia, and the others are just plain hysterical about it – much to ALL of our dismay (and not just the FSPers) if they are successful. Remember as you read some of these tweets from the Twitter feed – they wish to stamp out any perceived competition – the Progressive philosophy has no room for the idea of “live and let live”.  They call themselves “non-partisan” but in following Zandra, it is clear that the Progressive thought is all about The State, rather than Individuals, being in charge of everything.  She (and these other OUR State Project) can’t conceive of a society where government pretty much keeps the peace and in which each of us just do what we would like to.  Now, I am a Conservative – while I believe in much more Individual Liberty than we seemingly have today, I also believe in an ordered society that a limited government provides – else there is anarchy.  I disagree with some of the FSPers that do want anarchy – but these, I believe, are the outliers.

Rice-Hawkins and Chase believe that Govt can only be good – to which I say “look at the VA – a totally run govt program that is the representation of the complete Socialist model they wish implement here in NH (and the US) and to which there is no opting out.  Look at the problem that is now coming to light – in a large govt bureaucracy, there is little accountability and EVERYTHING is subject to political whim.  And everything is subject to it.

Thus, the Granite State Progress and OUR State Project see the Free State Project as anathema and an evil (yes, I chose that word specifically).   In essence, that what the FSP is making: a place where they can be left alone – an impossibility in a Socialist State or in the mind of Progressives.  They want something well past a limited and ordered society – heeding back to the beginning of the Progressive start, they see people as just cogs in an efficient machine they they would then call society – in fact, there would be little to no separation of Government and Society.  This is exactly 180 degrees opposite what the Founders saw as a successful model, based on their study of past history – that there should be as much space as possible between the two, lest there be Tyranny.

Face it, in every society in which the two become one, there is Tyranny.  Progressives just redefine that to make it palatable.

Just like all good Socialist and Communist societies before them.  And now they are here.

(H/T: Google Alerts, Susan)


  • Skip

    Co-founder of GraniteGrok, my concern is around Individual Liberty and Freedom and how the Government is taking that away. As an evangelical Christian and Conservative with small "L" libertarian leanings, my fight is with Progressives forcing a collectivized, secular humanistic future upon us. As a TEA Party activist, citizen journalist, and pundit!, my goal is to use the New Media to advance the radical notions of America's Founders back into our culture.

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