NH GOP Platform: Strongly oppose new taxes and fees, including an income, sales or capital gains tax
NH Constitution:
[Art.] 6-a. [Use of Certain Revenues Restricted to Highways.] All revenue in excess of the necessary cost of collection and administration accruing to the state from registration fees, operators’ licenses, gasoline road tolls or any other special charges or taxes with respect to the operation of motor vehicles or the sale or consumption of motor vehicle fuels shall be appropriated and used exclusively for the construction, reconstruction and maintenance of public highways within this state, including the supervision of traffic thereon and payment of the interest and principal of obligations incurred for said purposes; and no part of such revenues shall, by transfer of funds or otherwise, be diverted to any other purpose whatsoever.
Yeah, these 17 Republican “we’re for lower taxes!” Reps folded like wet tissue on the “Strongly oppose” bit when it came to vote on the gas tax (upping the gas tax by 23% to add another 4.2 cents per gallon on a price that is already skyrocketing before the summer season starts!) and supported the 96% of the Democrats that voted for it as well. As well as the Republican NH State Senator Raush that proposed it in the first place.
- Frank Tilton Belknap 3
- John Cebrowski Hillsborough 7
- David Danielson Hillsborough 7
- Robert Haefner Hillsborough 37
- Richard Barry Hillsborough 21
- Carolyn Gargasz Hillsborough 27
- Patrick Culbert Hillsborough 37
- John Graham Hillsborough 7
- Will Infantine Hillsborough 13
- Charlene Takesian Hillsborough 37
- Priscilla Lockwood Merrimack 9
- Walter Kolodziej Rockingham 7
- David Milz Rockingham 6
- John O’Connor Rockingham 6
- John Sytek Rockingham 8
- Kevin Waterhouse Rockingham 7 (he actually spoke in favor of the 23 percent hike)
- Kevin St. James Rockingham 13
And for the record, yes, the lettering on the sleeve says “NH DEMS”. We at the ‘Grok expect that Republicans would at least follow the NH Constitution – they failed at this. They didn’t even bother upholding their own Party’s philosophy. Instead of doing the right thing, seal up that leaky bucket known as the Highway Fund from which millions are “stolen” for other purposes, they decided to just open the spigot that spills into it. And we all know where that spigot gets its ‘water’, don’t we? No, they did not protect us, the taxpayers. I’m tired of hearing “if we don’t take your money to spend it on the roads and bridgets, you’ll end up spending more on your cars” as the justification for this kind of activity. Instead, they increase the flow from the private sector to the public sector even as the public sector can’t abide by its own laws (see above, NH Constitution). No, they failed to actually do the REAL work because they really didn’t want to take the HARDER decision to plug the leaks.
And further, if the roads and bridges that we’ve all heard about for so long are all that damn bad, then why did you all do the HARDEST work and actually PRIORITIZE other things, drop them from the budget, and put the already existing monies to that “better purpose” you all have been yelping about? We elect you to DO that work – and this time, you got all wussified.
No one is saying that we shouldn’t take care of our infrastructure but you all make it seem, with your spending, that EVERYTHING is Priority #1 and that very little can be chopped. But we expect the Adults we send to Concord to BE the Adults and make the decisions in line with what we expect. I don’t think that anyone believes that “lower taxes” is anything less than one of the primary pillars of the Republican philosophy.
I do not understand why our Representatives won’t first consider and ponder on the NH Constitution BEFORE writing legislation and voting on legislation. It IS our foundational Law itself – it is not:
NH State Rep. Debra DeSimone (R): “The Constitution is a guideline”
As Ian Underwood stated so well:
After all, if the legislature isn’t going to respect the limits placed on it by the NH Constitution, then why should individuals respect the limits placed on them by that legislature — whether regarding guns, or schools, or traffic laws, or anything else?
And in this, our legislators, both Republican and Democrat alike, have failed the NH people. For shame.