Kelly Ayotte: “I’ve not seen the plan…I’ve not seen the plan…I’ve not seen the plan…I’ve not seen the plan…I’ve not seen the plan”


The Jr. Senator from NH was on the Howie Carr show as TMEW and I went out to do some errands right after supper tonight.  We missed the beginning of her segment but it was clear that people were switching from talking about Obamacare to illegal aliens, immigration, and Amnesty.  And they were not happy!  And I really don’t think that Kelly Ayotte was all that happy about having to defend her Kerry-esque monster flip-flop on this issue as she had campaigned for really being against amnesty.  The segment has already been posted over at and a rough transcript (automated? It really IS rough) is there as well (I have put the relevant part of the transcript after the jump).  The title of this post comes from the fact that Howie went after her about deporting the illegals that are here.  Howie does lay into her and almost all of the callers, especially those from NH, go even further All she could do is balefully try to deflect by demanding “I’ve not seen the plan” by which 11 million illegals would be transported as if Howie and his callers had to PROVE to her they had done her legwork – to fulfill HER campaign rhetoric!

Why not? On this issue, she’s given us the classic Establishment Republican “bait and switch” (aka “I was against it before I’m now for it”) when it comes to illegal aliens and Amnesty.  She is now willing to support Amnesty as shown by her vote to pass the Senate’s “comprehensive immigration reform” bill as opposed to when she was campaigning. How do I know this?  Well, this is why politicians hate to be recorded – and GraniteGrok was at the AFP/NH – Cornerstone action Senatorial debate on June 9th, 2010 when she was campaigning.  Video after the jump for Question 11:

Do you support the actions taken by the State of Arizona by enacting this [illegal immigration] law and further, what more should Federal Government be doing in this area?

 I just transcribed her answer – here’s the money quote from her answer: 

But they, I will tell you right now, the people that are here now illegally, I don’t support amnesty. It’s wrong. It’s wrong to the people who are waiting in line here, who have waited for so long

Let’s pile on, shall we?  Sarah Palin had endorsed her during the campaign and then expressed her dismay on Ayotte’s fliperooni (as Mike posted):

“Every politician should be held accountable for breaking their campaign promises,” Ms. Palin said, on Fox News radio. Mr. Rubio touted in his 2010 primary against Charlie Crist that “border security would come first,” and he would never vote for “legalization of illegal immigrants” and amnesty, Ms. Palin said. And Ms. Ayotte pledged on her campaign website in 2010 a “no excuses” mantra about border security — and also vowed to vote against amnesty.

And that’s why Howie and the callers were so irate with her.  Here is the video – she starts to speak on the question at 4:02

 The transcript (emphasis mine):

The Federal Government is falling down on it fundamental duty to keep us safe and that includes securing our borders. We have to do that, we owe it to Arizona, we owe it to our country, we owe it to all of us to enforce our existing immigartion laws which we aren’t doing right now and it is penny-wise and pound foolish that we aren’t doing it. It’s wrong because if you think about the strain on our educational system, our healthcare system as a result of our failure to enforce our immigration laws.  It is not only wrong for our safety but it is wrong in terms of the strain on our system and the people who are here to PLAY BY THE RULES.

And we are all the sons and daughters and grandaughters and grandsons of immigrants.  We all came here, our ancestors, when they came here they came here to play by our rules. Our ancestors came here and learned English.  I support English as the language of our country and as part of coming here and playing by our rules, and the people that want to come here and play by our rules then we should absolutely, in an appropriate way, that is consistent with our country allow them to do so. But they, I will tell you right now, the people that are here now illegally, I don’t support amnesty. It’s wrong. It’s wrong to the people who are waiting in line here, who have waited for so long and we need to stop that as well because i think that what the Administration is heading next.

First she bashes the pro-illegal alien Obama Administration and now she is ready to advance its and Democrat (or is that Big Biz Republican Crony Capitalists?) agenda,  Did she break her promise?  Certainly did that, but it is also my belief, given what her rivals were saying at the time, she had to say the same thing.  Thus, in hindsight, did she just flat out lie to us? We Trusted her to maintain Consistency – and now we all will pay the price on one of the most important issues in DC (even as every poll take during and since the vote show that the American People have FAR more important Priorities to be address first as they put immigration pretty much at the bottom of their lists) with her vote if she gets another shot at allowing Amnesty.

And then she wonders why everyone was taking shots at her tonite?  Here’s the audio:

Transcript of Kelly Ayotte on the Howie Carr show, 4/23/2014, on illegal aliens, amnesty, and immigration:

Now there I’m getting text that here Kelly and people wanna talk to you about this aren’t they wanna talk about the immigration reform there’s still angry about integration and they’re still angry about immigration reform. They keep talking about anything how are you an open line great. I do I durable a line tonight invited me want to call 187746943221877469. 4322. Now I — How do you how do you justify. Eight amnesty when we have. More Americans out of work than at any time since probably the 1950s if not the 1930s you have. 86 million people in the private sector are supporting 147. Million people who aren’t either aren’t working or working in the public sector and now you wanna you wanna bring in another. 102030. Million more people were — most of our — gonna go on welfare. Sally first of all I disagree — the bill I supported. Not amnesty because. We’re not talking about bringing new people and they’re here. And the question is are we gonna have them pay taxes go to the national security. Background checks pay a fine. And then get the back of the line learn English and if they have a job. — at point they can apply for green carpet. So this isn’t a situation where they’re gonna get in front line of anyone there RD year the question we have that — bill. Is are we got actually it. Focus on getting this done because we do have a illegal immigration problem and the bill I’ve supported also would have doubled to. The number of border agents it is southern border double the about a border fencing and used more advanced exporters — are. — do you support do you think do you trust me this is the question house Republicans keep asking — Boehner do you trust Obama. To enforce any of these swell measures. Well listen I mean I think that what we’re seeing now is. Government by executive order either — taken action on immigration by executive order. And so it to me the congress that actually act to prevent some of the things you know he’s doing it actually — to have laws in place so that. You know obviously we know what he’s done with obamacare and I disagree with him. In you know doing music executive orders and changing outlaw but. So if we’re in a position where he’s just gonna make these decisions unilaterally I think the congress should act of and a lot of — to act in securing the border getting these resources spared the more we do you have an even bigger illegal immigration problem. We you know the 1950s. Dwight Eisenhower had a problem like this then you know where I’m going with this. What did Dwight Eisenhower do when he had a problem with at the border. I think he’s secured militarized. He’d he’d deported he supported hundreds of thousands of illegal aliens if not millions right. Well you know here’s the interesting thing no one has been able to tell me Powell. Bit millions of illegal immigrants here now. At the eleven million estimated how we can possibly deport them all. So if it logistically in terms of what it would take to do that. Let’s start I wanna — how — how about the fact that you know every every Friday night every Saturday night in Manchester. In Salem. — in Concord illegal aliens are being picked up by the police. They they know they have they they know they’re illegal aliens they they did the police departments in in. New Hampshire Massachusetts every other state of the union call — and they ask them to take them away and — says just release. That’s the problem I mean what’s it what if if we if if we could start if we could just start picking them up. And having the taken to the borders in the just thrown across the borders. Then you know I mean that. I want be well at the pay higher taxes to get rid of illegal aliens. I think something to. We’ll have a problem how — in terms of our legal system. Because you know I had the chance to speak to go. Visit. Not only Intel Texas Instruments that play play a bunch of people across the country but also a New Hampshire. And there they’re trying to get the engineers. So the people — — door education institutions that’ll actually grow the economy and and help create jobs sent. You know we’re educating them here and so the legal and we should be looking at fixing — — — that as well as the illegal. Telling those are — those are the people that are getting arrested on Saturday night after — wanna drive by in Manchester. I just spent what do you what do you mean by that so. I mean the illegal it’s illegal aliens that are doing the drive by shootings that are committing these. These atrocious crime. You know are increasingly out of our backs and. And that’s because I was attorney general overstate and you know I think that what you’ll find is that there are plenty unfortunately of legal citizens that are committing these kind of crimes. Being right that’s bad enough and. Being driven right now I had a forum this afternoon went. People on our state law enforcement leaders treatment providers Caroline is fueling unfortunately this heroin problem it’s fueling. A lot of the crimes that are seeing right now. What’s wrong with just enforcing the laws we have on the books. Tally — — — enforcing the laws but you’ll not get — disagreement with — I think they should be enforced and I actually think that we should. Put in place at waited deal which. The deficiencies in our laws both funny illegal immigration and illegal immigration so that it’s people who are staying here who can contribute to our country. And make our economy grow and help help the country. To be strong. But they could be the problem is that the people of the courts and and in New Hampshire is as elsewhere letting the people who make no contribution toward just complete parasites leeches stay in the country and — a — the ones that are — that are committing the the and ever growing pool pond to. — signing you because there’s no question in fact that’s one of the things. That Barack Obama believes immigration bill would do it if you commit a crime meet those are the people that do get shipped out. Barack Obama’s letting people living criminals — and he’s just start. Barack Obama is obviously. There are many things that I disagree with the president and as demonstrated by what he has done with regard to — multiple changes. That he’s made with obamacare that are electorally convenient. But are reflected at all. 1877469432. To raise your next with how we car and senator Kelly hey — go ahead right. Were I always that’s — for miles well and up. I’ve had many operations over the last sort of ten to twelve years. And I flipped on the — in January and ended up from the hospital. Would apply to grow. And my wife and I are all on Medicare well because of that changes. In you know that our new health care law. Sure Obama via. Rules — Medicare or well cultured and we got. Big shock in the mail the other day a thousand dollar bail and handle fifty dollars a day coal states Albanian in the hospital. — You know I’m I’m sorry that you got through this thing your rights. They took money from Medicare to fund obamacare and so that’s — you’re experiencing. If it — you know. I don’t know what we’re at hero so hitters right so so Kelly heroes way Reagan worked his whole life. He paid into Medicare. Now the Medicare money has been taken away so what can go to — obamacare. To support Obama’s voters who never worked a day in their lives. Well you know that this is the thing it means in order to have fun. You know what he’d be funded obamacare there was money taken out of Medicare especially programs like Medicare Advantage. We’re the ones that were focused on and you know that. How how — that was wrong because we got a problem with Medicare looking at the long term solvency. And this in my view is that is going to undermine. That and for people like rain were relying on Medicare. This is his front and it’s another reason why we’ve got a get back to the table and repeal the law and think about our common sense ways to lower health care costs. Mike thanks for the call — Mike your next with how we car and senator Kelly they are from New Hampshire glad might. — Ellie Ellie. I’d like to say this I don’t look for this total guessing senator — — — — — you don’t always support or we can look probable that a lot of us. The — hit some lady you know. A — dancing around the — I I’ll take Obama — Date but I’m not taking illegal immigration. Written — — — — and — assure — — the real issue with attention truck they’re running at school. — for a especially you know we see you down at double — And — can say here’s the question. They’re here. We have illegal immigration I wanted to stop more illegal immigration. So my view is that we should try to solve this problem. We wanted to we wanted to deport them Kelly. That I’d like to — the plant what the planet to deport eleven million people is the estimate is that’s how we’re gonna do that logistically. We’ll start with a single illegal alien. And they will deport him while at the port the next. Let’s let’s start let’s start obviously where those who have committed criminal acts absolutely. I agree that you Foley. A lot of need to be enforce. I mean if you if if if you have some kind of the amnesty then all their relatives are gonna come up here and we’re gonna get we’re gonna get. Tens of millions of war in — to police here who have no intention of ever working they’re just gonna be leaching off the system I mean. How how many how many more people come we have not working in this country. How — first of all. Again. Dick and I — disagree radeon the amnesty characterization because we’re talking about people who — — — Have to pay have to come out of the shadows passed a criminal background check if they don’t they go back pay taxes. And and then and only up to triggers a matter of putting in the border security that needs to be made that they get them back. Isn’t there the question it’s one thing if we think that we can deport eleven million people I’ve not seen the plant that makes that possible. How how wants it but all these plans you know for the for these finds that their supposed to pay they all include hardship provisions. Now how many of them do you actually think are going to pay any fines are all going to be given a hardship provisions. Barrels gonna be — there’ll just going to be you know swept the log they’ll bring in their relatives their relatives will get all the heart on its. You know. The bill action to limit the amount of people can be brought in as a relative it’s merit based immigration. Looking about what you have what can you do for this country do you have a job. You know what’s so it’s that this could actually changing their — of merit based immigration which is what it should be. For the country what I thought of that helped the country so. You know I I think. Yeah I’ve had discussions about immigration. In the past looking forward to future discussions on. But. I I don’t think the status quo would accept. Nor do I want to solve the problem. That’s why that’s why we need deportation. I mean it’s just it’s it’s it’s the only answer that we can’t we can’t X. Except this kind of invasion of our country. Shelby the planned a power gonna get eleven million people out here. And with the resources it’ll take Wendell — — — hospital looking at a that I don’t I haven’t heard anyone yet it has said that that’s real. To try and find the book tonight on what Dwight Eisenhower did back in the early fifties and I’ll send it to you one Kelly I’ll I’ll get it out of out of a leverage we we have time for one we got to have one more Paul Dana. You’re next with Howie Carr and — Kelly they — go ahead Dana. Ali Ali Ali — I can’t deterrent — in New Hampshire great thank you are as hurricane tuck thank you. I voted for him supporters years but he did wrong on this idea Eisenhower. And Harry Truman to — seven million illegal aliens now they did that active and it is they were nervous about Americans. Not having jobs coming back from the war. And they get the right thing it did what was right for the country take the money here. I just don’t understand — Republicans. And sit here and then. When its appeal to block for the Democrats you guys being sold a bill of goods. Everybody I talked to was just disgusted by amnesty thing and I think it’s — horrible thing. Well I appreciate your calling and I guess I haven’t I don’t believe that this is the built in voter — actually think that. First of all these people aren’t gonna get the right to vote. The way that this is set up its its. It’s a long long period of time that you know well over a decade. And but but that said. You know a lot of individuals who come here to work hard. Kids to do the right thing but he can provide. We we got to wrap up for a better life that’s actually had an American dream that I think it’s considered Kelly we are up tomorrow. — here — just like cut commandment — well CO either in New Hampshire and Massachusetts thanks — for being with us against scenario I’m — car.



  • Skip

    Co-founder of GraniteGrok, my concern is around Individual Liberty and Freedom and how the Government is taking that away. As an evangelical Christian and Conservative with small "L" libertarian leanings, my fight is with Progressives forcing a collectivized, secular humanistic future upon us. As a TEA Party activist, citizen journalist, and pundit!, my goal is to use the New Media to advance the radical notions of America's Founders back into our culture.

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