The cost of doing business has a direct effect on your ability to hire, retain, and reward employees. The more time and money you must expend interfacing with the bureaucracy, and the army of flying compliance monkeys being waved out the castle window by successive Democrat run governments, the fewer resources you have left over for anything else. Then there are the taxes and fees Democrats love, which nibble (or perhaps chew) at your success, leaving you less to grow your business with.
You can’t create jobs, or reward employees, or expand a business when your earnings are tied up by legislative mandate or bureaucratic fiat. But Democrats love to pig pile more cost burdens on New Hampshire businesses every year. To borrow a phrase from Roger Simon, It’s the Democrats’ war on work.
ObamaCare is killing jobs. Union rules kill jobs. The massive federal bureaucracy kills jobs. The regulatory state kills jobs. The lawsuit culture kills jobs. Democrat energy policy kills jobs. And now, New Hampshire Democrats want to raise the minimum wage, which will kill jobs.
We’ve covered all the reason why, over and over again. Mandating higher labor costs is like a tax that redirects resources beyond the control of the business owner. If you over price labor, you will have fewer people working,fewer low-skilled job opportunities, fewer incentives to practice on-the-job training, slower (if any) wage growth for those who remain employed, fewer new start-ups, fewer companies relocating to the Granite State, and more incentive to locate elsewhere. (Higher unemployment, welfare, food stamps…)
That’s the short list.
It also says 1) business owners are cruel robber barons who would treat employees like slaves if the state did not act, and 2) employees are too stupid to negotiate a fair exchange of labor for compensation or incapable of making that labor more valuable on their own.
The price for this arrogance is employment stagnation, and a new generation of unemployed or underemployed as business owners absorb the forced cost increase with fewer hours, more part-time work, less benefits, and a hold on hiring.
It’s the Democrats war on work.
A few past posts on the subject…
The Ghosts of Minimum Wages Past, Present, and Future
The Minimum Wage From Yet Another View
Blogline of the Day – on raising the Minimum Wage
Teenage Jobless Rate vs. Minimum Wage increses
(You can search for more…there are plenty to choose from.)