Painting A Vote Fraud Conspiracy Portrait

NH Vote Fraud at Martha's Motel Martha Fuller Clark home to out of state vote stealersWhile it is not the only such location, 1200 Elm Street in Manchester has become the focus of vote-fraud reporting because it exemplifies the conspiratorial nature of this Democrat Party enterprise.

Multiple names, all from out of state, many far flung from each other, several of them with expensive homes in their home states, campaigners, lawyers, folks, registered to vote (and voting) from the same apartment numbers at 1200 Elm, Manchester, NH

Just as an example, if you owned and were paying taxes on a $2 million dollar home in another state why would you be in an apartment in NH, claiming to live here so you could vote?  We’ve got that.

Why all the different Democrat out of state campaigners, lawyers, and activists, calling the same apartments in the same apartment building home, all of whom have homes and drivers licenses and lives in other states, casting ballots in your local elections?

And it is not just 1200 Elm street in Manchester, though we will stay focused there for the moment because it paints a very ugly vote fraud portrait.

Yesterday, we told you about one of the many ‘residents’ at 1200 Elm (apt 402)  Caitlin Ann Legacki, who was “here” in 2008 for just a few months, working for Shaheen.  She never lived here, and barely stayed here, but she voted in 2008, and stayed on the checklist thereafter (which suggests that when the lists are purged someone is making sure they remain on them–a different part of the larger story we’ll get to another day).   According to the 2012 checklist Caitlin voted again, in person, in Manchester, on November 6th, 2012, when we know from both video and her own admission, that she was in Missouri campaigning for Claire McCaskill on Nov 6 2012.

So what does it all mean?

In the case of Legacki, someone, knew she wasn’t here, voted for her, and our election law had no way to prevent it or likely prosecute it after.

Given that any number of out of state Democrats have been found to be double registered in two or more states and chosen to vote absentee from the addresses of elected Democrats in New Hampshire in 2012, we can surmise that New Hampshire Democrats have and do cast those votes for them, and that they‘ve been doing it as far back as 2006 at the very least.

In a recent case that was reported by the AG and the local media, a Keene, NH student was charged with voting twice because he voted in person in Keene and his mother sent in an absentee ballot for him in his home town for the same election, so we know that people are probably sending in absentee ballots for other voters

We know of a Massachusetts man who moved decades ago but remained registered in Manchester and may have continued voting there for years.

We know that several out of state voters “voted” absentee from the homes of elected New Hampshire Democrats, with State Senator Martha Fuller Clark being but one high-ranking Democrat party ‘example.’

We know it is statistically impossible for multiple out-of-state “residents” at 1200 Elm street to all be born on January first, which indicates a prearranged method for out-of-state vote stealers to both deceive election officials intentionally (this is also called fraud) while making it difficult for others to track them in their home states where an actual date of birth is needed to do any kind of detailed background search.

(A wider search of New Hampshire checklists for January first birthdays will likely reveal a huge number of vote stealers and those guilty of fraud–lying on their voter registration document–a super-duper majority of whom will be found to be Demcorat.)

Post vote and after the election is decided, in any instance where someone is caught, like with professional campaigner Caitlin Legacki, they can just say, no, I was here–not there, that wasn’t me.  The stolen vote counted, and even without the strong  evidence that Caitlin was in Missouri, the odds of this type of double voter being prosecuted are zero.   Repeat this any number of times, in a state where a vote or two can make the difference in who wins that election, and you have conspiracy to commit election fraud, which is exactly what we have.

But we’re not done.  There are several in-state and out-of-state organizations that appear to be involved, n the least of which is OFA.  A significant number of elected New Hampshire Democrats have participated in harboring out of state voters, with only a fraction of them revealed so far.  Many of them are repeat offenders, having out-ofstate Democrats vote in one or more election years from their homes, often by absentee, while still registered and living in other states where they may vote in local elections or in years or for elections that might be too close to call for Demcorats in advance.

To suggest that this is the result of random, coincidental acts is as absurd as all the out of state voters having birthdays on January first* in one apartment building in Manchester. (*this may be the keepers of the checklist hiding actual dates of birth from identity thieves.)

To suggest that these out of state absentee voters are actually “living” in the single family homes of elected democrats from which they are registered to vote in New Hampshire is equally unlikely and patently absurd.  While some are, many are not, and may have never even been to the address from which they claim to be voting.

And we’ve not even approached the issue of day-trippers coming in, voting and leaving the state the same day of which there are hundreds, if not thousands, nor the non-existent address from which Democrats register to and vote from in New Hampshire.

Then, while we have out of state residents voting absentee from the homes of Elected Democrats in New Hampshire, there are the thousands of out of state college students, forced to pay out of state tuition by the same progressive establishment, whom we are told cannot possibly be burdened with having to vote absentee in their own home states–but that is only because New Hampshire Democrats want those stolen votes too.

And we cannot forget that for many years now the New Hampshire Democrat party and its elected representatives have gone out of their way to not just encourage out of state influence in local elections, but to write statutory laws that make it as difficult as possible to prevent it or track it afterward.

The end result is this network of activists and campaigners,invited here to register to vote from voter nests like 1200 Elm in Manchester or the homes of elected and party officials, who are a guaranteed Democrat vote, but have no state and suffer no consequence from that vote.   They then leave the state, if they were ever actually in it.  Those names, then stay on the checklist for years, available to anyone who wants or needs them to pad the tally in any election after, as was the case with Caitlin Legacki and probably many more like her.

This has been going on for a very long time.  November 2012 was simply the most massive abuse of this planned system of fraud yet seen in the Granite State.

Now, odds are very good that the officials charged with protecting your vote from this sort of fraud will make some noise, put on a show, but do very little else, because that is what they have always done and as far as we can tell they are either part of it, or politically disinclined to stop it.

For our part, we will continue to take our personal time to research this, hopefully with your assistance, even bringing in our own out-of-state ‘experts’ to help identify and end the fraud regardless of which party is perpetrating it.  While the Democrats currently appear to have a monopoly on this fraud, the ulitamte  goal is clean elections.  We don’t have them now.  We have not had them in a long time.  And that needs to change.

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