Equality: How Liberals think Conservatives see it – Part III

by Skip

Equality - how Libs think Cons see itA great graphic that I’ve chopped up a bit – last Part  tonite

For Progressives, “Equality” seems to be the driving force – everyone MUST be equal no matter what area of life is being viewed.  Anything that promotes or allows “inequality” must be stamped out.  Freedom is reserved for the realm of “free from bad consequences”.

Equality - how Libs think they see itFor Conservatarians, the corresponding (and I believe, “higher” value) is Freedom.  Freedom allows me to do what I want, be it better or worse than somebody else. Our founding fathers knew that real Freedom was freedom from coercion by the largest physical entity in one’s life – Government.  It is, however, “unequalness” in the eyes of Equality -What Libs actually do about itLiberals.

(H/T: The Looking Spoon)

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