Voter Fraud – We move from Martha’s Motel to the Rosenwald Rest Home for Wayward Voters


Martha’s Motel – sign in, sign out.  Sign in, sign out; a veritable revolving door of political operatives at what almost seemed to be a “political operative barracks” for those folks coming in to work for Democrats – and then voting here in NH even as their plans were to leave to return to their own domiciles elsewhere in the US.  Well, in math, there is a theorem: if one then many.  Seems to hold true in the political realm too – where there is one political operative, there’s bound to be a whole bunch of them.  And if there is a singular Martha Fuller Clark Motel, well, there has to be more illegal voter nest.

SURPRISE!  Or really, not so much, but yes, we now turn our attention to the Rest Home for Habitually Fraudulent Voters – with your friendly Organizing For America (that is, America in Obama’s Image) Hostess, NH State Rep Cindy Rosenwald.  Located at 101 Wellington Street in Nashua, we have two habituals (and am using their current titles) using her single family abode as Progressive Flop House.  Here are two of her transients:


  • Janice RottenbergJanice Rottenberg (LinkedIn info) – Regional Field Director for Terry McAuliffe’s Virginia Gubernatorial campaign


Now, I’ll get back to Paolo, but Janice Rottenberg is immensely more interesting to talk about, especially about her manifest “intent” on establishing her domicile as a long term productive New Hampshire citizen:

Effectively, we believe that she voted from Rosenwald Rest Home for Wayward  voters in 2012.  Now, she has been the RFD for Terry McAuliffe (who is already in trouble for his GreenTech Automotive venture that seemed to bring money in and…..well, that’s about it – fraudulent??).  Not even located in the State he’s running in;  he ran to the Right To Work State of Mississippi to set up his car plant (listening, UAW and Virginia tax payers?) that is now under SEC and the US Senate.

So, like employer, like employee?  Her last few positions:

  • Regional Field Director at Terry McAuliffe for Governor  (starting January 2013).

OK, maybe she tried, like Zandra Rice-Hawkins asserted on WMUR’s Close Up, to find a job and she just couldn’t find one.  Oh, WAIT!  What about this:

  •  Assistant to the Senior Adviser, Presidential Inaugural Committee (December 2012 – January 2013)

Hmm, should we be asking Cindy Rosenwald:Did Janice Rottenberg NEVER say anything about working on that gig“?  C’mon, she had to, right?  Working on a Presidential Inauguration – THAT’S a BFD (as Uncle Joe Biden might say).  How likely would it be that Janice Rottenberg would have said NOTHING about this, eh?

Hmm, that seems that the idea of “intent” starts to play a role here, in the form of a question:  Really, if you are going to be an assistant to a High and Mighty, that’s usually set up a bit ahead of time.  One would think that for working on such a short time gig as an Inauguration, even if there were, say 3 calendar weeks to search for a job here in NH (and to set up a REAL domicile (as commonly really understood as opposed to the Progressive Democrat version that Zandra wants to redefine it to) one really would skedaddle and be in DC at least a week in advance.

Cindy Rosenwald, another question for you!  As OFA den mom, you MUST remember when your wee OFA charge decamped from the Rosenwald Rest Home for Wayward Voters?  You, too, must have been excited for her (betcha you baked a cake – or at least bought a dozen chocolate cookies from the local grocery store for snacking upon for the long drive down to DC)?  So, how long before the baby bird left the nest – after invalidating the vote of an honest-to-goodness-really-domiciled NH voter?  Being a good State Rep, did you counsel Janice Rottenberg that failing to establish a real domicile is against the law if she voted here?

After all, it does seem that Janice Rottenberg seems to be the prototypical parachuting-in political operative:

  •  Intern to the Deputy National Field Director, Obama for America (Oct. 2011 – Jan 2012
  •  Regional Field Director, Organizing for America– New Hampshire (Jan 2012 – Nov 2012, Nashua based)

Nothing says “establishing a domicile” like working for an out of state political army and getting a promotion to stay JUST LONG ENOUGH to finish that political job and jump right out.  Given the rest of her subsequent history, she was here for a out-of-State organization with, IMHO, the intent to leave as soon as possible.  Get him elected, get him Inaugurated – such a deal for NH’s “intent is what I say it is because you can’t get into my head” domicile Voter law.

Pretty good for a former intern for Senator Snarlin’ Arlen Spector (D-R-D, PA)  (that would be Dem turned Repub turned Dem, for nothing says Party loyalty like swapping simply to stay in a Senatorial seat).

That’s enough for tonite – there will be more coming up.  Have to – it’s a target rich environment!


  • Skip

    Co-founder of GraniteGrok, my concern is around Individual Liberty and Freedom and how the Government is taking that away. As an evangelical Christian and Conservative with small "L" libertarian leanings, my fight is with Progressives forcing a collectivized, secular humanistic future upon us. As a TEA Party activist, citizen journalist, and pundit!, my goal is to use the New Media to advance the radical notions of America's Founders back into our culture.

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