Over at Conservative Intel, they’ve posted a list of hate-crime hoaxes. Having recently written about the Dylan Bleier hoax at Oberlin, I figured I should post this list; seeing as they went to all the trouble. The list has links and of the thirteen they share (Bleier would be number fourteen) all but one was perpetrated by a liberal or liberals. Yes, there is a supposed ‘conservative’ hate-crime hoax from 2007.
As Conservative Intel points out, right off the top, hate motivated crime is a real problem that happens to real people, though I question whether adding the word hate deters the crime. The very temples of political correctness and diversity, university campuses, just happen to be the primary breeding ground for hate-crime hoaxes, which are themselves crimes.
To the list…
Here’s a brief and partial recent history of hate-crime hoaxes, culled from various online sources including trendsinhate.com (which contains accounts of several real hate crimes as well) and fakehatecrimes.org: