Govt: we will indoctrinate your children who will then indoctrinate you. You’ll see, it’s GOOD for you!


Yeah, walking right up to that Godwin’s Law again – but with horror and anger: We have your children.  Obamacare is coming in less than 90 days and Obama and HHS Secretary Sebelius are running scared as polls show that a majority of Americans want it killed off.  So we hear news of the NFL and the NBA being approached to help “sell” Obamacare as if they were used cars sales guys.  Lots of “community groups” (like the Wellness Wonder Team made up of ACORN and other “community organizers”) are being asked to help as well to canvass their communities to sign up young donor suckers would be patients through the as-of-yet non-functional Exchanges. Media outlets are running feel good pieces as well – after all, look at what we are going to give you for FREE!!!

Like everything else Governmental that tries to “create a market” that the private market has shunned, our Smart People / Ruling Class just can’t fathom why they have to persuade people to use their services.  It just doesn’t click with them that if the offering was THAT good:

  • they wouldn’t need to market this thing
  • and the private sector would have beat them to it – and that they didn’t should tell them something
  • and the fact that Obama has to FORCE people into this (at the risk of big fines) should tell them something else

So, seeing their failure and impending public humiliation, we now see the these nascent Totalitarians have decided to use “the most vulnerable amongst us” – our children – and are coming schools to spread the Word of Obamacare.  Not just that, students are being enlisted and are expected to go home to tell the adults (their Parents) to “shape up and get with the program”.

Parents – more and more we see the Ruling Class (the likes of MSNBC’s Melissa Harris-Perry, Hillary, and most Progressives) believe my kids belong to their Village  (idiots)- instead of Parents being in charge.  Instead, Parents are seen as being the stumbling  blocks and part of the problem.  Remember that Michelle Obama declared what kids should eat: “We can’t just leave it up to the parents“.  And a teacher of our teachers had this to add:

“Every child in America entering school at the age of five is insane because he comes to school with certain allegiances toward our Founding Fathers, toward his parents, toward our elected officials, toward a belief in a supernatural being, and toward the sovereignty of this nation as a separate entity.

It’s up to you, teachers, to make all of these sick children well by creating the international child of the future.”

And I had this to say about that:

It is NOT the role of government public schools to “teach” our children a way of thinking that is antithetical to their God, their parents, and their country; that is sheer indoctrination! Yet, I bet if you dig enough, you’d find it in your local school system (one teacher here in Gilford was heard to say something in a similar philosophical manner “WE have your children 6 hours a day and WE know what is best for them”. In other words, as it was taken “we know better than parents what is needed to be taught!”

Well, California is about to go ALL IN and drop the pretense, embrace the reason why Godwin’s Law exists and proceed not with reading, writing, and arithmetic (that’s just so passe) and skip right to the Indoctrination:

That’s right, OI – Obamacare Indoctrination (reformatted, emphasis mine).

With great excitement, the Los Angeles Unified School District has designed a nearly $1 million program to train teenagers to promote the glories of ObamaCare to parents, relatives and friends at home. The state’s health insurance exchange, Covered California, is handing $990,000 to LA schools, along with federal grants totaling 36-million more U.S. taxpayer dollars to districts around the most populous state. The goal is to train millions of student messengers statewide to sell the idea of government-subsidized health insurance to parents and relatives at home and to get more people enrolled in ObamaCare.

And don’t worry if you missed Janie or Johnny’s Parent-Teacher meeting or last month’s PTA confab – you may well be hearing from your kids’ teachers soon enough – just don’t expect to hear anything about any academic subjects.  They will be interested in one and only one extra-curricular activity:

Taxpayer-paid public school staff will also be used to phone students’ homes urging enrollment under Obama’s Affordable Care Act. And they will be used to consume precious class instructional time to teach the students all about the healthcare program that the Democrat Congress did not read before passing in 2010.

So instead of being concerned about “Run, Spot, Run!” and “2+2 does not = 5” and “Latin America” is not a person but a place and the names of our Founding Documents, these teachers (who are already on the Government payroll) want y’all to be joining them on the Government choo-choo (or wait, that’s a different post, or is it?  Senator Baucus has called it a train wreck – aw, shoot – go with it.  Oh Wait!  Like schools, will Obamacare be a gun-free zone?  Er, not if it’s in Chicago….).

And for a little data:

A new Gallup Poll reports nearly half of Americans (47%) believe ObamaCare will make the country’s healthcare worse.

Back to the New Reducation Camp story!

Los Angeles’ immense indoctrination effort has absolutely nothing to do with what many Americans have long associated with the real job of taxpayer-funded public high schools, attempting to teach subjects such as math, history, trades or even, say, reading at a level above eighth grade.

Go back and read that first quoted ‘graph – ONLY in the Federal Govt would one spend $37 million to see if kids who already can’t learn what they’re supposed to in the first place (CA pretty much is at the bottom of the Edu-heap for actual student results) to see if they can be an “experiment.  Actually, isn’t that the entire problem in CA and most of education?  A deliberate walking away from what worked in the past for the latest fad du jour?

…A spokeswoman for the LA school district proudly said the student ObamaCare scheme was actually a pilot program to see how well teenagers serve as messengers of government-sponsored information.  The goal, she said, is to determine “whether young people can be trained as messengers to deliver” a broad array of school and government-sponsored messages to family and friends.

If they prove proficient at influencing their own families to believe material sent home from schools, she said, the teens will be used to deliver numerous other official messages to adults in their home and neighborhoods.

Right – Obamacare is only the START!  Big Brother is not only watching everything we do, but now are emphatic that they can use our kids as their mouthpieces. And remember, if they are doing it in California, they’ll be doing it in your schools too.
“Fundamentally transforming” America said The Man.  How better way to do that than turning them into Govt Stooges – given the current state of education, they may never know the difference.

Our only saving grace maybe the kids will listen no better to these Political Minders and Indoctrinator than they do to their teachers.


  • Skip

    Co-founder of GraniteGrok, my concern is around Individual Liberty and Freedom and how the Government is taking that away. As an evangelical Christian and Conservative with small "L" libertarian leanings, my fight is with Progressives forcing a collectivized, secular humanistic future upon us. As a TEA Party activist, citizen journalist, and pundit!, my goal is to use the New Media to advance the radical notions of America's Founders back into our culture.

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