Obama's Stasi Get Rebranded (Again) - Is This The Change We've Been Waiting For? - Granite Grok

Obama’s Stasi Get Rebranded (Again) – Is This The Change We’ve Been Waiting For?

Team Obama is spying on you.The death of Attack Watch may have been premature.  Well, that was always a given.  And Skip beat me to the punch in announcing the resurrection of yet another Stasi, left-wing, rat-out-your-neighbor program, from the People that brought you Obama.  Yes, for what is this the third or fourth time now, you are being encouraged by the people running things to submit the names of your fellow Americans so that Obama’s campaign Gestapo (The Media) can hunt them down and humiliate them into silence.

You do know that is what this is, right?

Media Matters, MNSBC, the alphabet networks, Politco, Newspeak Magazine…waiting for a fresh face to destroy in the name of defending dear leader.  They’ll have unfettered access to the names of anyone too successful at telling the “other truth” about their president.  You know, the real one.  And if too many people start crowding around your little soap box, well guess what you get?

Hell, you might even find Eric ‘Smokin Guns’ Holder or Janet ‘it worked as intended’ Napolitano investigating you if you get too  much attention.  Or perhaps the IRS might find a reason to take a second look at your doings.  It’s the lefts inbred police state mentality, born of an obsession with the notion that they really do know better and damn it, they’ll make you understand no matter how much it hurts you.

Calling it The Truth team is a bit amusing though.  Reminds me of this post I wrote in 2008, when Jeanne “Blue Ribbon Panel” Shaheen hired four people to be a truth team to contradict anything the right was saying about her then-opponent, Senator John Sununu.  It wasn’t exactly like the Obama Truth definers, and there was no looming sense of federal level intimidation,  but it was another Democrat propaganda mill with a direct line to the media, established to defend the lefts narratives, and it was anything but bi-partisan.  The so-called Republicans were just Democrats with (R)’s after their names, hiding in the short grass, somewhere near where an elephant may once have passed.  Another lie from which we are meant to derive the lefts revealed truths.

Nothing about the Democrats is what they make it appear to be.  And there is nothing original in the Democrat party.  Don’t believe me?  Have you seen Obama’s new budget?

Well I have a message for them.  Did you see the Super Bowl half-time show?
