This past Saturday was the CNHT (Coalition of NH Taxpayers) Annual Picnic. The videos are up of the speakers (just keep scrolling down) but we also had the chance to interview a number of folks (in order):
- Congressman Thaddeus McCotter (R-MI, Presidential Candidate [and yes, he DID follow me around all weekend – heh!])
- NH State Rep. Dan Itse
- NH State Rep. Dan Itse and NH RNC Committeewoman Phyllis Woods
- NH State Rep. John Hickel
- Speaker of the NH House of Representatives Bill O’Brien
Sure it was noisy in the room, and yes, all of these were ad hoc interviews; neither Grokster Steve or I had any idea where the conversations were going to go (and that WAS the fun of it!). So enjoy
GrokTALK!: Congressman Thaddeus McCotter
GrokTALK!: NH State Rep. Dan Itse
GrokTALK!: NH State Rep. Dan Itse & NH RNC Committeewoman Phyllis Woods
GrokTALK!: NH State Rep. John Hickel
GrokTALK!: Speaker of the NH House of Representatives Bill O’Brien, NH GOP
Whew – it’s Thursday and I’m STILL not caught up! And thanks to Steve for helping out!