Who indeed. Flying my Free State Project colors the other day, I saw Breitbart speak…
…and came away more than impressed.
Breitbart is the guy who helped Arianna Huffington found the Huffington Post ("She moved left once we set it up," Breitbart said. "It made me crazy. I had to leave. Those people on the left are nuts!") He’s also the guy who aired James O’Keefe’s video footage showing ACORN to be the criminal enterprise it is (while the mainstream media tried to suppress the story). He also offered $100,000 to anyone who could back up the lies told by Congressional Black Caucus members about Tea Partiers (reward never claimed). And he broke the Shirley Sherrod/NAACP racism story.
Who IS this guy? Hearing him speak, and speaking to him, I can tell you he’s a very nice guy. Also very funny and extraordinarily insightful. The talk he gave included several very important observations. One was that the legacy media is dying, and thank heaven for it ("Seeing the old media die, it’s like ding-dong the witch is dead"). Why? Because their claim to objectivity was always a lie, and used only to force their biased views on the rest of us. Another was the optimistic message that thanks to the death of the old media info-monopoly, "We are on the verge of winning, and the Left can’t stand it."
But here’s the most important observation Breitbart made: "Politics is downstream from culture." Meaning that if we leave the popular culture in the hands of the dangerous charlatans of the political/government/ruling class, we won’t be able to win politically. The surging movement for individual freedom, limited goverrnment, low taxes, and personal responsibility must confront the political class and destroy its hold on popular culture. After all, to be a political leftist—aka a socialist in the economic sphere and statist in the political sphere—is just plain stupid. And that kind of stupidity is extremely dangerous for children and other living things.
Breitbart deserves our unreserved admiration and support. Visit his groundbreaking web sites—biggovernment.com, bigjournalism.com, bighollywood.com, bigpeace.com, breitbart.tv, and breitbart.com…or any of them—and see what I mean. Andrew! Thanks for all you’re doing, man. Keep it up!