Deja Vue all over again again. Gack!

by Doug

Ray Burton

Ray Burton (R-Yeah, Right!)

It just seems that with certain topics and political characters, the story never changes. Like some sort of recurring nightmare tormenting a poor soul without end, so it is with former GraniteGrok Dope of the Week award winner Executive Councilor Ray Burton. This recent article from our friends at reminds us the end is not yet near:

Executive Councilor Ray Burton’s campaign announced that it raised $42,500 at a recent fundraiser.
"As long as I’m around, this area is going to be effectively represented on the Five Member Executive Council," Burton said.

Please, man. ENOUGH!

Although this blog is less than two years old, much has been written here of the general dislike of this man that has been our district’s Executive Councilor for as long as I have paid attention to politics. It was Ray Burton that caused me to make my first ever public endorsement of a Democrat over a Republican. And why not? I challenge anybody to produce one shred of evidence that might cause a person to think Burton was a member of the GOP. Whether it’s opposing the appointment of a (gasp!) pro family, pro life woman to NH committee on women, not displaying and defending traditional values, promoting socialism and bloated goverment, or not holding the line on spending or taxes and toll hikes, Ray Burton in no shape or fashion represents me in any way.

And don’t just take my word for it. Recall the words of the Union Leader from an editorial written November 3rd, 2006:

District 1 Executive Councilor Ray Burton has become like the royal governors the council was created to check. In more than a quarter-century on the council, he has purchased popularity by dispensing goodies to the masses. He has become so secure in his office that no one of political stature dares challenge him.

But Burton should be challenged. He has become a parody of a good old boy politician.

Won’t somebody PLEASE step forward and take this clown on in the primary? For the good of New Hampshire?

Ray Burton

Burton (center) on campaign trail. Yep. That’s his former
driver, the convicted pedophile bringing up the rear.


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