The Brookline Democrats made local news at the end of April when they tweeted a meme and suggested that because of a shooting at a Fed Ex facility in Kennesaw, Georgia, another NRA/GOP talking point had been busted.
Kennesaw requires all adults to own a firearm, but the shooting occurred at the FedEx facility, one of the few places in town designated as a gun free zone. The Brookline Democrats tried to save face for a while on Twitter, but at the end of the day, it was their talking point that got busted.
Guns don’t kill people, Gun Free Zones kill people, which means Democrats who insist on gun free zones kill people.
But the damage to the lefts talking points doesn’t stop there.
They’ve been all gung-ho on trying to super-regulate mental illness, which to a Democrat is just another path to universal gun bans because the left controls, for the most part, what ends up being defined as a mental illness. Allowing this would be like letting the five-year olds define snack time, bed time, and what property belongs to them. (Is it a coincidence that the political left and the five-year old both agree that everything belongs to them?)
As to the matter of sanity, no matter how insane or mentally unstable a shooter inevitably appears or is claimed to be by those claiming to be the authority on such matters, the shooter always seem sane enough to pick a gun free zone to exact their revenge on society. They never “attack the system” by walking into a police station. You never see a lone-wolf walk into a gun show or an NRA meeting, looking to exact revenge on society for whatever perceived wrongs it has done them. They always go for places where they will meet the least amount of resistance. They always go for the gun free zone.
A serious person with even a dimes worth of common sense might ask how mentally ill that person really is? And seeing as most shooters are angry, brainwashed left-wingers, we might have more success banning Democrats and gun free-zones instead of the one tool that consistently deters crime rates everywhere law-abiding citizens are not prohibited from having them.
In Kennesaw Georgia, the shooter chose the gun free zone at the FedEx facility, where he felt certain he’d have a force monopoly. He did have one, and it was a breaking news story that drifted off into obscurity faster than you can say “Dumber than a Kool Aid Drinking Brookline Democrat” when the gun-hating media vultures realised that this story would do their narrative more damage than good.
It has been slightly over a week since the incident and you’d be hard pressed to find any new major media coverage, or any coverage at all, in the month of May. With the exception of ABC, which linked to a May 1st AP story on May 2nd, the April 29th shooting is personae non gratae after April 30th. CNN, WaPo, NBC, Yahoo!, MSNBC, HuffPo, all bailed on the story within 24 hours. Why?
Guns don’t kill people, Gun Free Zones kill people.
Why else?
The gun of choice for this shooter was a Joe Biden Boom Stick, which is kind of embarrassing. Lucky for Joe there were no reports that the shooter did a double tap through the door as the Vice President has suggested.
And, no one has died. Six persons were injured, some seriously–the security guard has had extensive surgery but as been downgraded from critical to serious and it looks like he may recover from the attack.
Oh, and another issue the Democrats like to grind their axes on reared its head in time to save them. Oklahoma botched a lethal injection. But true to form, the media didn’t spend much if any time on the fact that the reason it was botched is because left-wing whiners made it impossible to get the drugs they would prefer to use–and had to manage with alternatives.
So we can also say that the Death penalty does not have to be cruel and unusual punshment but it is after Democrats get involved in it.