Another Brookline, NH Democrat Talking Point Busted… “Guns don’t kill people, Democrat Gun Free Zones kill People.”
The only place in town where a mass shooter might possibly have some expectation of success in Kennesaw, Georgia, (where every adult is required by law to own a firearm) is the FedEx facility in town which FedEx has designated as a gun free zone.
So the shooter chose the place where they knew no one would be armed.
Brookline Democrats might have thought to look into that before tweeting this…
So… a gun man (not a gunman) shot 6 people at a FedEx Facility…that advertises that no one inside the facility is armed.
And this busts…Democrat talking points. Shooters pick places where they expect to have the most success. The solution to that is not to create more of those places, but to have less of them, or in this case, none of them.
H/T Kimberly Morin