Single young women: You can marry young if you want to! NOOO! Don’t do it!

This girl is baaaad! Believes in marriage! Run her out of town!
This girl is BAD! Believes in young marriage! Run her out of town!

(Well, Skip said I could write about anything that interests me. Sooo…here goes.)

Sheesh. My interest was piqued this morning when I ran across an article by young Julia Shaw in Slate. Published just two days ago, Ms. Shaw’s thesis for women in their 20’s is that “you don’t have to wait till you’re 30 or older to get married. If you find the right guy, it’s okay to get married young…even desirable!” (Hmmm and…uh oh.)

That’s interesting, I thought, not least because I’ve got a millennial-generation daughter myself. But whew! The article—entitled “I got married at 23. What are the rest of you waiting for?”—set off a virtual conflagration! I mean…

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The kids are all right….

Just because you’re young, doesn’t mean that you have to be dumb. These kids may be young, but they’re not stupid. They know.    

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