Seven “Firsts” for the US Economy

Gas Prices – Image Credit: Washington

From Wynton Hall at Breitbart…an end of year (or beginning of year) list of Mr. Obama’s new normal.  This is his America, and that of Democrats who have had a majority control of the US government for six years now. Mr. Hall calls these “seven firsts for the US economy.”

1. All-time record annual average gas price: In 2012, the average cost of a gallon of gas eclipsed the previous record by nine cents, bringing the annual average to $3.60.

2. All-time record food stamp participation: As of last month, for the first time in American history, 47,710,324 individuals — roughly one out of every seven people living in the United States — now receive food stamps.

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Real Unemployment at 19%…

Wynton Hall at wrote this.  I’m just sharing it. Consider the following 11 economic facts: 1.  When you include the underutilized labor figure with the eight million Americans who have lost hope altogether and stopped looking for a job, real unemployment now stands at just under 19 percent. 2.  If the labor force were … Read more

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