If nine-tenths of whatever “is just showing up,” this hackneyed turn of phrase has a problem when it comes to so-called green energy alternatives. They are not green, and when you need them most (extreme heat or cold), they are most likely to fail.
Articles tagged as
Wind Turbines
These Wind Turbines Need Diesel Generators and Often Draw Power Instead of Generating It…
Aside from the hundreds of billions in misguided government support, wind power doesn’t have much going for it. It is not clean or green. It kills bats, birds, and now whales. And in Scotland, they’ve had to admit that without diesel generators to warm and back up the turbines, they might work at all.
Wind Power an Even Bigger Waste of Money Than Originally Projected
Wind power is expensive, unreliable, decimates local wildlife populations, and requires additional fossil fuel generation for backup. Despite its many shortcomings, green warriors love it, but will they love this? An analysis of almost 3,000 onshore wind turbines warns that wind turbines will only generate electricity effectively for 12 to 15 years.
Obama: “I Want Wind Turbines Manufactured Here In China.”
Biden-Mouth Disease Breitbart TV