The poor man, whom the law does not allow to take an ear of corn when starving, nor a pair of shoes when freezing, is allowed to put his hand into the pockets of others and say, “You shall educate me.” ― Ralph Waldo Emerson.
West High School
So who is Megan Douglass, Esq. and why is she emailing teachers?
This morning, teachers at West High School in Manchester found an email from Ms. Douglass saying:
‘My name is Megan. I am a former middle school teacher, and I am a member of Organizing for Action/Manchester. I am writing to invite you to a rally that OFA is sponsoring, to call attention to education cuts caused by the sequester. The rally will be held on March 22, 2013, at 3:30pm, on North Main Street across from West High School.
I taught in Philadelphia and Charlotte schools. I found the job to be extremely challenging. There never seemed to be enough of me to provide for my students. My students and I worked in large classes, struggled with a lack of texts and supplies, and were often frustrated by a lack of parental and community support.