Follow-up: How Happy is Ann Kuster about the VAWA Vote Now?


Yesterday I pointed out that according to Heritage the 2013 re-authorization of the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) included provisions that violated the constitution by giving Federal authority to tribal courts.

Today, we discover that the 78 Senators and 286 House members who voted (some happily) for S.47, the (Violence Against Women Re-authorization Act of 2013), also voted to prohibit the charging or prosecution of minors caught engaging in prostitution.  Put another way…when they voted for the VAWA they effectively decriminalized child prostitution.


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Is Ann Kuster Happy We Violated the US Constitution?

Ann Kuster is excited that the House Republicans decided not to change the Senate version of the Violence Against Women’s act.    I’m not sure what the House had in mind but Tax dodger Ann Kuster is happy to assume it’s because they hate women.

What a difference a day makes! On Wednesday, Speaker Boehner had big plans to limit the protections for women who are victims of domestic and sexual violence. Apparently, House Republicans believe that some women – namely lesbians, immigrants and Native Americans – do not deserve equal protection under the law.

Problem.  This bill violates the US constitution in it’s effort to protect women from domestic and sexual violence.

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