Someone, with the best of intentions, is sharing CNHT Taxpayer picnic information (archived on GraniteGrok) from a previous year. We promote and attend this event every year so please make sure you are using the correct details.
Someone, with the best of intentions, is sharing CNHT Taxpayer picnic information (archived on GraniteGrok) from a previous year. We promote and attend this event every year so please make sure you are using the correct details.
Kate Baker is the Director of the Children’s Scholarship Fund NH and she took some time at the CNHT Taxpayer Picnic to update attendees on the state of Education Choice and reform in the Granite State, including legislation, the scholarship program private and charter schools, education victories, and how the recent SCOTUS decision in Trinty Luthern v. Comer could affect … Read more
House Rep. John Burt talks about the media, constitutional carry, what a waste of space Washington DC is, and his next run for public office. Should he run for Congress, challenge Democrat Lou D’Allesandro for the NH State Senate, or how about staying in the NH House and running for Speaker?
Recorded live from the CNHT taxpayer Picnic, our own Kimberly Morin from NH Political Buzz and Girard at Large, emphasizes a few important points we all need to remember. New Hampshire Democrat leadership is lying about the Trump election commission. Obama had an election commission that asked states to share voter information. Her feelings about Governor … Read more
Carly Fiorina spent some time at the annual Coalition of New Hampshire Taxpayers Picnic. This event is a magnet for grassroots activists and campaign operatives – in a primary year. Here are her complete remarks.