Steve stepanek_launch

Steve Stepanek Announces Bid To Lead New Hampshire GOP

Steve Stepanek has formally announced his bid to become the next Chairman of the New Hampshire Republican Party. The Union Leader quotes Stepanek as saying that, “At this juncture, the Republican Party doesn’t exist in New Hampshire as an organization,” … “It has failed in fundraising and organization; and we need to completely revamp what’s going on … Read more

Republicans Against Free Speech

NHGOP Woodshed
Taking them out to the Woodshed again…

Carolyn McKinney’s rebuttal to “some Republicans” pushing to remove the word ‘traditional’ as a qualifier to the word ‘marriage’ in the New Hampshire Republican State Platform is brilliant. It’s so good those Republicans don’t want you to read it. (If you have problems with the above link the piece is also cross-posted here.)

Somone or perhaps a few someones are flagging every effort to post this on Facebook as in violation of Facebook’s rules making it difficult to share.

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With This Bunch Failure Is Always An Option

I’m torn between thinking this is just sad or that it’s just funny.  Maybe ironic is a better word? First, the NHGOP establishment power brokers (who forced Jack Kimball out) just cleared the field to make sure that the preferred, groomed, in-debted (and in debt) to them, moderate-insider was the only candidate left running for the NHGOP chairmanship.

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