Picture of The Day (Red Sox Season Starts Today!)

A few people may be offended by this display of Kinetic Digital Action, especially from such a young fan, but who can argue that this is not a familiar pose to Red Sox fans of all ages; even when the Yankees are not in town? Boston is regularly placed at or near the top of most ‘obnoxious fan’ lists and here’s why–they start training them early. That finger comes with the hot dog and the beer.

45-3 (!!!)

I am still basking in the glory of a superbly executed ass-whooping. Once I have gotten myself past the euphoria, I’ll try to write something more appropriate.  Until then… …Patriots win 45-3. Yeah baby!

Bad News For Jets fans…

I guess sports medicine has come a long way. This guy busted his tibia. Of course it never penetrated the skin. That’s encouraging. Seeing bones sticking out of flesh is reserved for serious injuries and great television shows like The Walking Dead.

Charles Barkley Unloads on Christians. Wow!

You’d think this guy would be on his knees every day thanking God for the many blessings he has been given. Man– kill the babies and marry the gays. Who knew? (The download buffer is a little slow- hit the “pause” icon after you start & wait a minute or so before restarting) fake christiansby … Read more

Besides the fact we have no sales or income tax, here is another reason New Hampshire is so awesome:

It’s natural beauty co-existing in concert with her people. When one rides into the hills and mountains of central and northern New Hampshire by snowmobile, the views unhampered by leaves on the trees are simply amazing– on par with anywhere else in the US…
snowmobiling NH
Somewhere near either East Hebron or Bridgewater,  NH
Newfound Lake
Looking West at Newfound Lake

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Bid on Barry Bonds Rookie Card here!

    Did that get your attention? You sports crazed fans who could care less that this guy is a horrible example to the youth of America keep celebrating, because many of us believe that Hank Aaron still owns the homerun record legitimately. Click here for my former post on Bonds. I know the arguments…even … Read more


Barry Bonds 

"Take me out to the ballgame, take me out to the crowd. Give me some peanuts and Cracker Jacks…..lah, de, dah, dah…..give me some steroids and heart attacks! Oh, Take me out to the ballgame…..NOT!

Well, apparently Randy Hill for Fox Sports just doesn’t seem to get it in my book, but click here and see if you agree. Personally, I think pretty much the entire piece is rather poorly written and a bit confusing about what he’s really trying to say here. It seems that many contradictions abound, but one thing seems clear and that’s that he’s most certainly a Bonds’ fan….poor Barry, it seems has been picked on.

He mentions that baseball has rallied a bit from the strike of 1994 and asks: "Why has this happened?" According to him, "the biggest reason is baseball’s commitment to power." "commitment" you say, huh?

Here’s a little diddy from a Bonds’ Biography for your enlightenment.

Duhh….yeah, cheating’s ok as long as we see more power and if it takes cheating, well, so what? The real bottom line of course is MONEY and baseball’s "commited" for sure.

With Bonds now 4 homeruns behind Hank Aaron’s amazing record, what’s it all mean? For me, absolutely nothing since the playing field is definitely not level and Bonds’ "accomplishments" mean nothing as far as I’m concerned. Sorry, but we’ll never know the truth about whether Hank’s record could have been beaten without Bonds’ drug use, etc. Nor will we ever know what Bonds could or could not have honestly accomplished in his career if he hadn’t cheated.

Many place Bonds in the company of many of the game’s greatest hitters such as Pete Rose, Ty Cobb, Babe Ruth, Hank Aaron, Rogers Hornsby and Ted Williams. Puhlleeeze! I had the pleasure of going to many a Cincy Reds game during Rose’s career and they didn’t call him "Mr. Hustle" for notin’….I’m thinking betting on baseball is a bit less serious than injecting power-inducing drugs into your body, but then, hey, I’m no longer a baseball fan partly because, let’s face it, the game’s not really America’s past time anymore for many of us who believe that honesty’s still the best policy. The Babe must be turning in his grave and Williams probably would be too if he weren’t frozen!

I hate to tell all you sports’ junkies, but many sports are dishonest these days along with much of society unfortunately. From personal experience allow me to share a story of just one example.


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