Extinguishing Tobacco Revenue In Our Lifetimes

photos-of-extinguished-cigarette - Tobacco taxes in danger thanks to ObamacareI told them.  If you want people to quit smoking, you had best not get used to the revenue from tobacco taxes.   Don’t count on it for anything if you want to extinguish smoking in our lifetime.  You know, make it history?  But what did New Hampshire Democrats do when Republicans tried to back away from tobacco by lowering the tax just one thin dime?  They snapped like addicts in withdrawal.  They got the Democrat DT’s and everything.

You can’t cut the tobacco tax.  We’re losing revenue.  We need that revenue.  I gotta have revvvaaaaannnooooo.  (Insert primal scream here.)

Their new plan?  Same as their old plan.  Raise the tax on a product they don’t want around to tax.  Yeah, that will fix the wagon (actually it wont) ….until January2014 when a provision in Obama-Care delivers the coup de gras.

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Back in 2007 after a veto override of SCHIP failed Paul Hodes had this to say about the actions of those in congress who prevented passage. 1) There is a huge difference between what the President values and what the American people value. To the President and his allies in Congress, $190 billion this year for the … Read more

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