And another SJW at work (that is, making herself feel good about herself) but…

by Skip


…hurting the ones she professes to believe to be oppressed and MUST be set free by Government Decree (emphasis mine):

Actress Sarah Jessica Parker recently held a gala to raise funds for the One Fair Wage campaign which is designed to raise wages for those in the restaurant industry.  Some tickets went for $50,000 and each dinner cost $500. This is did not sit well with many who happen to work in the restaurant business. Many within that industry fear that an increase in the minimum wage will result in job losses.

For heaven’s sake, that’s NEVER happened before!  Just ask those in San Francisco and Seattle and other places where they’ve “lifted up the oppressed by making SURE they earn more”.

In fact, Joshua Chiasson, a representative for the Restaurant Workers of America, had this take on the gala:

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How do you show your empathy for the people living under your yoke?  Get rich bastards™ (Vogue editor-in-chief Anna Wintour) and clueless celebrities–rich bastards™ (Sarah Jessica Parker)–to pimp your ‘Middle Class street cred’ while you run off to six fundraisers on the day the crappy job numbers come out. Isn’t Obama’s Super PAC called Priorities … Read more

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