Do you belong to a church?

Do you belong to a church or a social club?

Do you belong to a church or a social club? If your answer is no this article isn’t for you. However, if you believe in things like faith and family, if you hold Judeo-Christian values read on.

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I Thought Democrats Wanted the Rich to Pay More Taxes?

Back on July 18th, I reported on a lawsuit brought by blue states over the change in the SALT deduction. Prior to tax reform people living in highly taxed states could deduct State and local taxes (SALT) from their federal return. Blue state spending goes unpunished. Liberal governors have no reason to be frugal as long as their local taxpayers can get their taxable income reduced at the expense of other states.

Republican Tax reform capped the SALT deduction at 10,000.00 dollars. And now Democrats are mad because Trump won’t let them live large on your dime. But there’s another aspect to this liberal fraud I left unexplored.

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