I apologize for the stream of COVID-related pieces recently, but folks keep sending me great stuff like this. “Analysis of the Effects of COVID-19 Mask Mandates on Hospital Resource Consumption and Mortality at the County Level.”
Articles tagged as
Will Party Leaders Turn On Comrade Mueller If Report Does Not Say What They Require?
In communist countries, you do what the party leaders tell you or bad things happen. In America, if Democrats do not get what they want you could become enemy number one. And Democrats want something about which to talk. They need the Mueller Report. Or do they?
Inspector General’s Report: Let There Be Bias
I doubt we will ever get around to plumbing the minutia inside IG Horowitz 568 page report on how the FBI handled the Clinton Email Investigation or their pivot to Trump. But we can pull and explore some of the bits the media is more likely to ignore, gloss over, or spin.
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