And they’re off! The race to the White House in ’12 begins…


In the new era of politics, we seems to find ourselves in a state of near permanent campaigning– the "endless campaign," as Skip and I are often wont to call it. You can bet the farm on the fact that, before the final ballots were counted last November, there was some jockeying taking place. Certainly Sarah Palin’s every move, including the upcoming arrival of her new book, is carefully weighed with an eye to the future. Mitt Romney is certainly a player, and, who would be surprised if Huckabee took another stab at the presidency?

Well, today, the game is definitely and openly on, as another member of the group long-speculated to be considering a run unveils a team that includes key players that figured greatly in the McCain come-from-behind primary win here in the Granite State, launching him to the eventual GOP nomination.

im Pawlenty Announces “Freedom First” PAC
PAC’s Leadership Team Includes Experienced, Respected, Diverse Talent
ST. PAUL, Minnesota – Seeking to help elect conservatives in 2009 and 2010, Tim Pawlenty today filed forms with the Federal Election Commission to create the Freedom First political action committee. The new federal PAC will offer financial support to candidates committed to putting freedom before government, and provide organizational support for Pawlenty to promote his innovative, conservative message. The new PAC will have an unprecedented approach to citizen engagement, and features a website at, where supporters can add their voice to Pawlenty’s message.
“Right now, our freedoms are being challenged on many fronts,” Pawlenty said. “This organization is dedicated to putting freedom first again in America. By helping candidates and translating our ideas into policies that everyone can relate to and support, we can turn back the growth of Washington and renew the promise of freedom.”
Freedom First PAC will be co-chaired by William H. Strong, the Vice Chairman of Morgan Stanley, and the Honorable Vin Weber, former Minnesota congressman, and partner at Clark and Weinstock.
“Tim is an authentic leader with a record of results,” Strong said. “I’m excited to work with him to elect great candidates across the country. His record of fiscal conservatism in Minnesota makes him a credible voice on the issues facing our country.”
“There’s a big debate about the role of government and personal freedom raging at the moment, and I’m excited to help promote fresh new ideas, and new leaders.” Weber said. “Given Tim’s successful record in Minnesota, he’s in a unique position to harness that energy and help other candidates.”
The PAC’s first Minnesota fundraiser will be held on November 4 in Minneapolis and will be anchored by a diverse and distinguished group of Minnesotans who will serve as the Freedom First PAC Minnesota Co-Chairs.  They include:

 • Al & Cathy Annexstad, Shorewood, Minnesota 
 • Bill Cooper, Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer, TCF Financial Corporation, and former Chairman of Republican Party of Minnesota.
 • Mark Davis, Chairman, Cambria  
 • Megan Doyle, Founder, Hope for the City
 • Jeff Larson, Former CEO, 2008 MSP Host Committee and Partner, FLS Connect.
 • Susan Marvin, President, Marvin Windows
 • Tim Owens, CEO, Voyager Bank
 • Tom Stauber, President & owner, Edwards Sales
 • Bob Ulrich, Former CEO, Target
Providing management, strategic and political planning will be a cadre of campaign veterans serving as senior advisors, including Phil Musser, President of New Frontier Strategy and former executive director of the Republican Governors Association; Terry Nelson, Partner, Mercury Public Affairs and former RNC and Bush-Cheney 2004 political director; and Sara Taylor, President of BlueFront Strategies and former White House political director. Former FEC Chairman Michael Toner of Bryan Cave, LLP will serve as the PAC’s counsel.
The PAC’s communication director will be Alex Conant. A Minnesota native, Conant most recently served as the Republican National Committee’s national press secretary and senior advisor. Online strategy and outreach will be led by Patrick Ruffini and Mindy Finn of Engage. Ruffini previously headed the RNC’s online department as well as working with the Giuliani Presidential campaign and Finn oversaw Mitt Romney’s online strategy during his 2008 presidential campaign. Liz Mair and Patrick Hynes of Hynes Communications will handle online communications outreach. Hynes served as blog outreach consultant for John McCain’s 2008 Presidential campaign, and Mair served as the RNC’s online communications director during 2008.
The Minnesota Finance Director will be Trisha Hamm, who was previously the political director for Pawlenty’s gubernatorial campaign. Annie Kelly, who formerly served as the deputy campaign manager for Pawlenty’s campaign in 2006, will be responsible for PAC operations, and Don Stiles will serve as Treasurer.

Don’t underestimate the abilities of the new media team that is headed by our friend Pat Hynes and includes Liz Mair. Make no mistake, these guys are a MAJOR catch in the digital era… Pawlenty is in it to win.



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