Nothing To Run On So Shea-Porter Makes Stuff Up?

The Guinta campaign is calling out the Shea-Porter campaign (I’ll call them Team Lenin), for continuing to run ads about her opponent that are not just fuzzy on the edges but outright distortions or lies.  I’ve not seen the ads, a side effect of not watching television–which I highly recommend by the way–but I know … Read more

New Hampshire Democrat Party Ad – Mostly False…According to Politifact


Let me state upfront that most ‘Fact-checkers,’ those of leftish media entities in particular, are not much different than so-called ‘non-partisan’ groups set up by Democrats.  They exist to mislead people by reinforcing a progressive narrative.  So I provide these observations about this report with a large grain of salt, even though ( in this case) it tends to favor my potions on the issues presented.

PolitiFact has awarded a recent New Hampshire Democrat Party Ad with the distinction of being ‘Mostly False.‘  This would be important if not for the fact that almost everything Democrats actually believe is false to begin with, but let’s play along and see why, in this case, “mostly” proves both PolitiFact and myself correct.

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