The Founders Held Great Mistrust for Democracy

The Founders Held Great Mistrust for Democracy

The Founders held great mistrust for democracy.  They did desire democratic principles.  They did not want a democracy for our form of government.  America’s founders were widely read.  They knew the work of Plato who wrote in The Republic, “And so tyranny naturally arises out of democracy.” Our history from James Madison As Plato decrees, … Read more

April 20th GrokTALK! Snippets – Segment Three: Guest – Dr. Julianne Cooper from Liberty Academy

Dr. Julianne Cooper visits GrokTALK! to chat about a Liberal education, Common Core, Teenage brains, surviving 25 years in the White Tower, Learning 9 to 5, and how those ‘new’ progressive ideas you keep hearing about are not as new as you think. Note: Individual guest segements will be posted throughout the day today. You … Read more

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