Call Them Nazi’s – That’ll Stop ‘Em!

Local politics is fun.  Heavy emphasis on the sarcasm, really heavy.  A letter to the editor in tomorrow’s Monadnock Ledger-Transcript (sound familiar?) likens me and my petition to Abolish the Planning Board to nazi governance. Clever! Funny though, that the Monadnock Ledger-Transcript’s policy on LTE’s requires that they be of “general interest and in good … Read more

Peterborough NH

Abolish the Planning Board?

Yesterday the Union Leader reported on my petition to abolish the Planning Board, that will be put forth from a group of concerned citizens. Here’s why. We saw this year that group of citizens can follow the law and propose a citizens amendment to zoning ordinance.  They collected the signatures, wrote the petition, and presented … Read more


Bedford – Bill Greiner Goes After Local Family Man for Objecting to His Plans

Bill Greiner runs Bedford, New Hampshire. Just ask him. Or, perhaps you can ask the people he bankrolls for public office not that they’ll ever admit it.

Bill’s got a lot of money and this appears to mean more to Bill than just being successful. It means he can push people around. Correction. It means that he thinks he can push people around and that he’s been successful doing that. Why else send an email to the employer of a resident to try and shut him up?

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