petition clipboard signature

Petition: “No government nor organization at any level should be able to mandate the public to wear face masks”

If you like online petitions and you do not like being forced to wear a mask, then this is for you. “No government nor organization at any level should be able to mandate the public to wear face masks” from – Petition at

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petition clipboard signature

Dem’s Advertising $15-$30++ Per Hour to Collect Petition Signatures

Craigslist is a useful resource for finding Left-Wing paid astroturf. During one such search, a reader came across this. “Petition Circulators Needed Immediately! Earn $15-$30/hr or much, MUCH more!!!!!”

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I See Dead People (Petition Edition)

We’ve begun the process of getting our hands on the ‘so-called’ 109,900 names and addresses from petitions ‘collected’ by the well funded out of state groups who dropped them on the New Hampshire Attorney General yesterday I have speculated on a few occasions that a super-majority of these will be from outside New Hampshire, but … Read more

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