What Would Carol SEIU-Porter Do? (WWCSPD?) -Panama Edition

Congress passed three trade deals yesterday which reminded of the words of a previous Democrat Congresswoman from CD-1 in New Hampshire.  (note: original press link dead)


This disconnect between the Panama FTA and the current needs to restore our economy will make any vote on this FTA difficult to justify.

She goes on to suggest it would not be good for the US or create jobs.  Everything else the left voted on in 2009 would supposedly "create jobs" and didn’t, but something that actually would? Can’t support that.

HR 3079 and it passed the House 300-126, meaning some Democrats had to vote for it.  Most likely those in more contested districts.Panama

But back in the day when the Democrats controlled all of the Federal government, and Republicans we were told were destined for the dustbin of history,  Carol–who get’s most of her funding from Unions and Union funded Democrat Leadership PAC’s,–believed what she was told by Nancy Pelosi, in direct opposition to the obvious.  Letting us trade freely in Panama would hurt the US job market.  And the entire Democrat party line on Free Trade, top to bottom, was the union line.  It will cost American jobs.  Don’t send jobs overseas.

But as I pointed out here, the Panama agreement simply made it easier for us to sell goods in Panama by lifting tariffs and opening their market to us.  A longstanding disadvantage that Democritus believe turns less on whether it is true and more–in the case of Obama– on if the campaign optics are good.

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Progressive Trade Rules

Being beholden to unions causes you to say and do stupid things.  Take Carol Shea-Porter for example.  She was against a trade deal with Panama because she claimed it would cost American jobs, when it would actually open up trade from us to them–they already had unfettered access; result?–it would have created American jobs. Provisions … Read more

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