No Labels

NoLabels No Mas?

Without getting into the weeds, the differences between the Real Right and the True Left are simple. The Right wants maximized individual liberty with limited government oversight. The Left wants maximized oversight regardless of the cost to individual rights.

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No Labels - NoLabels

NoLabels is Back – Selling the Same Stale Bottle of Piss as Some Political Cure-All

Last week the Union Leader republished an opinion piece by the Founder of NoLabels, Nancy Jacobson. We get one of these at the UL every year, sometimes twice. Nancy, or whoever gets the byline, goes on about the “political divide.” Look at those radicals on the left and right. Scary stuff. But not to worry. We’re here for you.

Except they are not here for you. They are here for them. Proof?

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The No Labels Lie Starts Today

The New Hampshire Sleeper Cell of No Labels woke up and puts it’s cloven hooves on the ground today, as did all the other franchises nationwide. The group, founded by a trio of democrat national political consultants, has had plenty of ink at GraniteGrok already (11/17/10 and 12/1/10) because it is imperative that we understand who they are and why they should be avoided.

Where Is That Elusive Middle Ground?

Grassroots is at the root of all politics in New Hampshire these days (most days really) and in response to that the Sunday News has taken notice, publishing an article this morning by Shawne K. Whikham which highlights a handful of groups from around the state.

NoLabels, NoWay

I think I nailed it on the head (here) back on November 17th with my first impression of the group NoLabels.  But now that the Live Free or Die Alliance (LFDA), whom I have often opined springs from the same pedigree of liberal-fronted groups pretending to be middling ports of in-betweenedness in the political/ideological storm, is seeking the opinion of its members on NoLabels effort to penetrate New Hampshire, it is time to revisit this.

Let me save you the trouble of wondering what they are about.  I believe NoLabels goal is to shift the electorate to the left.  Their first, and so far only plank, is to open primaries to everyone who can vote.   Now ask yourself, who does that help?

It helps Democrats.

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