Classroom Political Bias in Merrimack New Hampshire

It’s not the first time that reports have reached my ears of obvious political bias in the classrooms of the Merrimack School System.  Tales of Middle School English teachers using their classrooms to promote the “science” of global warming we’re not uncommon, and while annoying not prevalent enough to demand action. The most recent circumstance … Read more

Merrimack Elections Tomorrow – My….Observations

I don’t usually weigh in on local elections but after someone stole my Krupp for school board sign I have been properly pissed off.  You wanted my attention, you have it.

So here we go.  I am not endorsing so much as suggesting.   And I am not weighing in on everything this time around.  But that will change in the future.

School Board – Two positions

Gary Krupp, Joe Kearns.  I want to see some fresh meat on this board.  But if you can’t find room in your ballot for Joe’s fresh face, go with Andy Schneider.   Vote for Gary either way.  We need this guy on the School Board.

School District Article 6 – (Article 6 would eliminate the School Budget Committee.)

Four words – Don’t frikkin Do It!  Do not disband your budget committee.  In fact, you should be trying to figure out how to add one to the town side.  Budget committees are not a waste of time or resources.  Spend five minutes looking at the history of waste, corruption, inside deal making, tax scams,  and embezzlement schemes in small town New Hampshire and you will find responsible budget committees sorely lacking.

You can never, ever, have enough eyes looking at any budget, particularity one as large as the Merrimack School District.

Vote NO on Article 6.

Now for a quick trip to the Town side of the ballot,

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Part 2 – Candidate Gary Krupp for Merrimack Town School Board

Here is part two of my interview with Gary Krupp, candidate for the Merrimack School Board.  We continued to talk about his qualifications, experience,  with an emphasis on finding efficiencies, working with unions and bargaining units, and some other facets of his candidacy. Note: Thanks to my video editor this is now in three parts … Read more

Candidate Gary Krupp for Merrimack Town School Board

Gary Krupp is a candidate for the School Board in the town of Merrimack, New Hampshire.  As a Major in the US Air Force, Gary has had extensive experience with contracts, budgets, and negotiations with contractors and unions.  He has also served on the Merrimack School board Budget Committee. I sat down with Gary to … Read more

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