States that open the door to medically assisted dying on the argument that it is compassionate are being used to leverage empathy for the terminally ill to advance a completely different agenda.
Medical Assistance in Dying
Slippery Meet Slope – Doctors Recommend Assisted Suicide to Woman Paralyzed by COVID Jab
I’ve been writing about the government-assisted suicide slippery slope for a while, so seeing this particular aspect of my predictions for the practice is not surprising. It is, however, still alarming, or it should be.
NH’s “Assisted Suicide” Bill is Alive. ALIVE!
In early October, we alerted you to a service request from a New Hampshire legislator for a proposed Assisted suicide bill. Marjorie Smith was fishing for co-sponsors for her “ACT relative to end-of-life options,” and she found some.
College of Physicians Reccomends MAiD for Children Up to a Year Old
My apologies for revisiting this topic so soon, but this was impossible to pass—the grotesque institutionalization of post-birth abortion as a kindness. Ethicists have long proposed letting parents end their young children, but ‘experts’ are asking permission to call it assisted suicide.
Slippery Meet Slope: Doctors in The Netherlands Are Euthanizing People with Autism
File this under next steps. “Several Dutch citizens who had autism or other intellectual disabilities have died by physician-assisted suicide in recent years after doctors determined their afflictions were untreatable obstacles to a normal life, researchers found.”
Slippery Meet Slope: Canadian Euthanasia Deaths up 35%
Stories about Canada abound this week, and the hits have not stopped. At the same time, everyone is wondering what natural phenomenon results in hundreds of forest fires starting almost simultaneously, another story that deserves our attention has risen above the media bilgewater.