Mike Lindell Dinner - 603 Alliance - SM GG 2021

Mary’s Moral Militia, Part 5: Mike Lindell’s Cellphone

It now seems that there will be more than (the promised) five parts in this series on the moral militia. Today I will detour from the main road to look at the current event of the FBI grabbing the cellphone of the Pillow Guy, Mike Lindell.

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I will not comply with unlawful orders coffee mug

Mary’s Moral Militia, Part 4: Legal Workarounds

To recap: Part 1 pointed to the two constitutional ways for Congress — but never the president — to call up the militia. Part 2, on Instincts, showed that it’s easy, like Aleister Crowley said, to “go evil.” (You just imbue your dastardly deeds with moral justification!).

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Edwin Vieira

Mary’s Moral Militia Part 3: Vieira’s Constitutional Militia

In 2019, at Camp Constitution’s unique bookshop, Hal Shurtleff guided me to make three priceless purchases: Frederic Bastiat’s The Law (1850-ish), John McManus’ Changing Commands, 1995 (about the CFR), and Daniel McGonigle’s editing of Edwin Vieira’s “Execute the Laws” To Restore the Republic, 2013.

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US Capitol - caution Original Photo by Andy Feliciotti on Unsplash

Mary’s Moral Militia, Part 2: Instincts

My first career was as a sociobiologist (See my book The Sociobiological Imagination, SUNY Press, 1990). The late EO Wilson was my mentor. By 2000, I moved into Law, but I’ve never stopped looking at how law exists in relation to our evolved instincts.

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Crowd of people

Mary’s Moral Militia, Part 1

The other day I was reading George Washington’s 6th State of the Union Address (typical beach reading when you are running for office) and was surprised to see this bit:

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