Manchester VA Whistleblower Part 4: “Duty to Speak up”

The “Duty to Speak Up” was the theme of this month’s Safety Forum at the Manchester Veteran’s Affairs (VA) Medical Center.  The people at the table seemed well-intentioned, but if you’ve read my previous series about what happens to whistleblowers at the VA, you know speaking up leads to an endless loop of broken promises, … Read more

Whistleblower: VA Hospitals Can’t Hire Staff But They Have Money for This!

One whistleblower has a way of encouraging others, and we’ve had several reach out regarding VA facilities in New England. Our Manchester VA whistleblower inspired this latest report from a new whistleblower who says they are sick of the poor leadership.

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Manchester VA Whistleblower Part 3: Contact with Hassan, Shaheen, Pappas

“We’ve all heard the sensational stories of whistleblower retaliation in federal agencies, but I have the sense most potential whistleblowers get left in the dust of federal bureaucracy, with multiple oversight agencies passing complaints back and forth and little resolution. 

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Manchester VA Whistleblower Part 2: Federal Oversight of Manchester VA

“Report Wrongdoing.”

This is the message encouraging employees at the Manchester Veteran’s Affairs (VA) Medical Center to report violations of federal law, regulation, or policy. Several agencies are tasked with oversight of VA programs and investigation of complaints, including fraud, waste, abuse, and gross mismanagement.

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Whistleblower: The Manchester VA is A Microcosm of Everything Wrong With the Federal Government

“I feel like I’ve stepped back in time.” An all-too-common phrase recited by almost every healthcare provider when they start working at the Manchester Veteran’s Affairs (VA) Medical Center after working in the private sector.  We all joke about our period of “VA culture shock,” but when the fog clears, it becomes clear that something is very wrong.

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