Main Steet Republican’s Drop “Republican.”

main street repubublicans
The Main Street Republicans “Main Street”

In any good story of conquest the tyrants who rule the police state always have ‘loyalists.’  These are indigenous members of the conquered people who side with the oppressors in exchange-presumably–for less oppression.  They are turn-coats, the worst variety of the sunshine patriot, or how about members of the Republican Main Street Partnership?

How about a Republican Main Street Partnership that has dropped the word ‘Republican.’

I am trying to decide if they have done us a favor?

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Bass Linked To Soros?

Charlie Bass is a Main Street Republican, even serving in a leadership position for some years.

The Main Street Republicans are RINO’s, moderates, they are not conservatives, nor are they libertarians.  They are big government right of center democrats.  And according to Michelle Malkin one of the group’s soft money fronts has (in the past) accepted donations from the likes of George Soros.

The donations go back to 2002 and 2005 and the money "launderers" are claiming no affiliation, but Malkin has dug up enough details of her own and from other sources to make a case that Soros sees enough value in the policy positions of Main Street Republicans–people like Charlie Bass–to feel comfortable giving them large sums of money.

You can follow the links, do all the reading, and come to your own conclusions–I’m not here to seel you on it–but anyone who has seen the C-Bass voting record knows he is closer to Soros than anyone else running for the Republican nomination in CD-2.

You would think that should matter in a state with the motto Live Free or Die.  You’d think.


(H/T Michelle Malkin) Links on the jump

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