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FDA Blames Declining Life-Expectancy on Free Speech

Life-Expectancy in America dropped for the first time in modern history. The change follows the years-long response to the alleged SARS-CoV-WIV epidemic. But it wasn’t the virus or the response. According to the FDA, it was misinformation.

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Democratic Socialism

If Socialism is the Cure are Prosperity and Freedom the Disease?

The Fraser Institute recently released its annual study “Economic Freedom of the World.” The report is prepared by professors James Gwartney of Florida State University; Robert A. Lawson and Ryan Murphy of Southern Methodist University; and Joshua Hall of West Virginia University.

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Nationalist Socialist or Democratic Socialist

A rose by any other name… Is it Nationalist Socialist or is it Democratic Socialist? I can never remember the difference, can you? Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez while sitting amidst the bounty provided by capitalism pontificates about the socialist goals we should be forced to accept. Amidst top notch electronic equipment and crowds of paid ticket … Read more

Flag Mexico

From Newsweek so It must be True – Murder Rate in Mexico Changes Life-Expectancy for Men

As you read this keep in mind that we are in the midst of a “national debate” on security and our southern border. Newsweek is reporting that the murder rate is now so high in Mexico that the average life expectancy of Mexican men has stalled. In some states, it has gone down.

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