So When Will Democrats Start Calling Me A Free Stater?

Free State - Seeking Liberty not left wing narrativesAll Democrats have narratives.  New Hampshire Democrats are no different.  The typical left wing narrative is designed to brain wash you by using the media to repeat the latest chest-beating tantrum, using sound bites, puff pieces, editorials, and press releases, to create a long term perception disguised as truth.  Did I mention that New Hampshire Democrats are no different?

There is a new narrative in New Hampshire.  This narrative infers that, despite the Democrats own treacherous policy record they are still a better gamble than those other people who are just plain scary.  Really scary.  Extremists.  Those… Free Staters.

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Another Democrat Run Destination For ‘Independents.’

Can you smell it?  It’s called ( is where the independents and other political inactivists will finally be able to gather online to talk about, organize, and get involved in whatever it is they believe in.  Right there at  Of course I thought that was what the Coffee Party was for.  Then there was No Labels.   In NH we have the LFODA.  And don’t forget F*ck Tea.  There must be room for more of these groups.

But you know what?  I bet this time it is different.  I bet is not funded by Democrats. And it probably isn’t run by some crowd of entrenched progressives, and well connected left wingers like all those other so-called non-partisan, can’t we all just get along pretenders….except…that…it is.

Both of its founders have deep roots into the Democrat Party machine. 

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