MDs Complaint sign

So McDonald’s Thinks It Can Force “Ordering Compliance”?

by Skip

Last week, the Grandson had to have a tooth removed (lower front as his permanent tooth had erupted behind that baby tooth) and a couple of cavities filled. TMEW promised him that later on that day, we’d take him to McDonald’s.  Well, that didn’t happen as he, like many kids his age, bit his lower … Read more

McDonald’s Drops the Hammer – Ordering Kiosks in Every Store by 2020

mcdonalds sign - Unions ending jobs inviting technology to replase peopleSpurned by meddling Democrats crying for government intervention in the value of an hour of labor McDonald’s began testing Kiosks in Europe. That expanded to here and there and over there.

But the time has come. No more fiddling around the edges. The trial period has ended. McD’s is putting self-serv kiosks in every restaurant on the planet within two years so kiss all those entry-level jobs goodbye.

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