Endorsement – JP Marzullo for NH GOP Vice-Chair

by Skip

All organizations need a Number Two person, and at this place in time for the the NH GOP, a good one is needed indeed. Someone who knows the people, knows the groups, and knows the nuts-and-bolts of both the Party as well as campaigns to help regain the House, the Executive Council, the corner office, … Read more

JP Marzullo Comes Out of the Closet?

Keep leftNote to the world: even if one of my three children turns out to be a homosexual–and no I will not love or care for them any less if they do–I still would not publicly prostitute myself and my principles to the progressive agenda.  NHGOP Area 3 Vice Chair J.P. Marzullo, on the other hand, does not have a problem with that.  And it is not so much the topic that suggests a progressive thread in the fabric of his otherwise pro-liberty, family values life, as it is the way in he attempts to make his argument.

The vehicle is a November 1st editorial in the Concord monitor in which Marzullo pokes at our ‘Tiny Tim’ gland, pleading with New Hampshire Republican legislators to vote against any change in New Hampshire’s current homosexual marriage law.  And like any seasoned social justice Democrat, we get both barrels from the empathy gun.  How God was showing him his own personal need to be more understanding and tolerant nineteen years ago.  He provides suicide estimates for gay teenagers (I have no idea why).   He fingers divorce as a greater danger to the family than Gay marriage (without reminding you that similar left wing social engineering and meddling in ‘marriage’ is almost entirely responsible for the divorce problem).   We even get the ‘Gay Americans are legal citizens and productive members of society who fight in the military" routine.

Democrat Chairman Ray Buckley could have wrote this. So has JP come out of the progressive closet?


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