GrokTalk! Saturday March 5th, 2011

Kirk McNeil, the new director of “Common Sense for New Hampshire,” will be our guest to talk about HB 442, the Medical Marijuana Bill; and Jordan Ulery the prime sponsor of CACR 6 (2011) which would require that a 2/3 vote is required to pass legislation imposing new or increased taxes or license fees..

GrokTalk! for Saturday January 15 th 2011

It’s 120 minutes of Live Streaming local and National News you could ONLY get from   This week… 9am to 11am EST NRO Editor Kevin Williamson, author of The Politically Incorrect Guide To Socialism will be our guest Jordan Ulery candidate for NH GOP National Committeeman calls in And Jim Bender talks to Skip … Read more

Grant Bosse Drops Out…

I have been told by reliable sources that Grant Bosse is no longer seeking the position of RNC Committeeman. Whether true or not, and while Granite Grok has not yet formally endorsed a choice, I have already made an endorsement as co-director of the NHRVC, and I will do so now here for myself. Jordan … Read more

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