GrokTV: Hillsborough County Republican Committee Lincoln-Reagan Gala – John O’Sullivan, Parts 3, 4 & 5

by Skip

John O’Sullivan (special assistant to PM Margaret Thatcher and National Review Editor-in-Large), spoke to the assembled Hillsborough County Republicans on the occasion of their Lincoln-Reagan Gala,as the featured speaker for the evening.  Here, he continues on his varying takes on the themes of “What now, GOP?” as well as reminiscing on what it was like working for Prime Minister Thatcher during that time well looked upon by Conservatives.

Part 3 is here; Parts 4 & 5 after the jump

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GrokTV: Micro-Interview with John O’Sullivan

by Skip

At the end of the Hillsborough County Republican Committee Lincoln-Reagan Gala, we started to breakdown the livestreaming equipment pretty quickly – it was late, it would take a while, and then there was the long drive home (and the Mtn. Dew WAS failing me!).  However, John O’Sullivan did come over to our disheveled table (a prime scenario for a disorderly conduct citation, audio equipment wise!) so Grokster Mike and I quickly thanked him for his willingness to extend his already long evening and started the camera rolling:

Sidenote: “…camera rolling” – such a quaint old fashioned term for recording an event, being that there is no longer anything (i.e., tape) to be rolling when all goes onto a flat SDmicro chip….

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