The Very Partisan Granite State Fair Tax Coalition Part II

GSFTDNC%202.jpgThe Granite State Fair Tax Coalition (GSFTC–Greedy Socialists Frisking TaxPayers Cash) is a partisan non-profit, which for years has insisted it is a non-partisan group advocating an income tax in New Hampshire.  But the GSFTC is non-partisan the way MSNBC is.  They use the dark side equivalent of the Jedi mind trick.  ‘The force can have a strong influence on the weak minded.” And while there is nothing wrong with being a left wing partisan group, started by a social-justice driven religious organization, to advocate for a top down income tax, there is something wrong with acting like this is a non-partisan effort.

Our first look at the partisan make up of the GSFTC (God Says Fleece Taxpayers for Christ) was a rundown of their advisory board.  This revealed a panel of progressive and left wing water-carriers, who provide cover and material support for a specific leftist agenda: a state income tax.   They are democrats and democrat supporters, willing to use class warfare and a faux-morality-cum-guilt complex media campaign, to advocate for that state income tax.  Fish swim, birds fly, democrats spend and so must tax.  To insist they are non-partisan suggests a mental state that is non compos mentis.  Or to be a bit more colloquial; They are just a bunch of typical leftists.

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Is John Edwards a Scumbag?

It should have been rhetorical but after Tweeting John Edwards latest declaration of Ass-hattedness to Twitter and Facebook about an alleged John Edwards sex tape, I was asked jokingly:

"Is John Edwards and alleged Scumbag or is it confirmed he is a Scumbag. Don’t want you to cross any legal lines."

Great question. When exactly does an ambulance chasing trial lawyer turned professional lying-cheat, rat-bastard, who had an affair on his cancer-stricken wife, making a sex tape with his videographer who had his love child, cross the line to scumbag?

That’s not a hard question to answer even if we can’t agree that he started on the other side of the line. But why is allowing his mistress to create a sex tape she never destroyed her fault? You don’t make sex tapes with politicians unless you either want to blackmail them or you want to spice up the act; does anyone actually watch these after they make them, or do they just wait until they get stolen and show up on the internet? And if you are a politician and you let someone make a sex tape–when you are married and running for President? Well….who is the idiot in this scenario? Was it not dumb enough just to cheat on your sick wife while on campaign, or dumber to then allow someone to make a record of it?

I can’t give an unbiased answer for several reasons  but mostly because I think he always was a scum bag.  So I figured I’d give some of the folks who were willing to ignore the fact that he was an ambulance chasing trial lawyer turned professional lying-cheat, rat-bastard, and supported his goal to to be President, an opportunity to answer the question for us.  To that end I have included an October 2007 list of Graniteroots town chairs for Edwards I found over at NH Insider.   If anyone can tell us when or if he has crossed the line to ‘scumbag’ they can.

The list is on the jump.

Or we can ask Tim Horrigan, also an Edwards fan at least in Jan of 2008, who is the one Democrat I know of most likely to read this post.

So find a name and take a survey.  Let us know if Edwards is officially a scumbag across the ideological spectrum or…will the democrats now elevate him to Clintonesque stature?  Sex scandal, perjury, a southern lilt, lying dirt-bag; that’s presidential material for left wingers.  This could be a tough one.

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