How About Those Jobs Numbers?

The Bureau of Laboring Statistics announced that the economy created 114,000 jobs last month.  If we ignore the fact that this is not even enough to address population growth (so the lower unemployment percent of 7.8% actually means bad things), and just look at job growth averages, Democrats might want to ignore this report and … Read more

Passing the Buck on Welfare Work Requirements

Waving the job requirement for welfare seems like a natural extension of the Obama Economic plan.  Make sure there are no jobs, keep people dependent on government.  And now he can blame the states…who are suffering under every other yoke he has placed upon them in three in half years. Hey, maybe he’ll send Biden … Read more

If the economy is getting better…(Part 3)

foodstamp nation - 14 million more on food stamps under Obama…then why has the number of Americans on food stamps increased by 3 million since this time last year and by more than 14 million since Barack Obama entered the White House?

There’s something to put on your resume.

“When I was President (pause) we created or saved (pause) a kajillion billion jobs (pause) but somehow (pause) put 14 million people on food stamps in the process.” (applause from adoring media, I mean Democrats–eh, same thing.)

How does that work?

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193,000 Leave The Workforce

Bloomberg News (c/o Hot Air) reports that 193,000 more people have stopped looking for work in the Obama economy, taking 156,000 off the ‘Unemployed’ rolls.  This has effectively diminished the news that payrolls added 117,000, an anemic, lateral shift in an employment picture that sees more people giving up than finding work.

But people bailing has it’s statistical advantages.  With fewer unemployed on the books the rate of employment looks better, if you can call 9.1% better.  Another problem?  Debt management.  With such a large percentage of the available work force idle, that’s a natural resource wasted.

Meanwhile, Jay Carney, White House Press Secretary, reminded us that the White House does not create jobs.  It creates the conditions for job creation.

Yes it does…in China, India, Mexico, Brazil, just about everywhere but America. 


But is that the real plan?  After all, remember what joblessness means for the economy…(on the jump)


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